Jai Guru

What we need is a modern console quality metroidvania game from the series. Shooters are as played out as a genre possibly could be and we've literally not had this since Super Nintendo. The GBA games were great but they were throw backs. Do for oldschool metroid what New Super Mario Bos did for the classic games.

Especially since they do either a story telling or movie parody episode anyway.

It'd have been funnier if the Halloween episode had actually been about halloween and not just "generic movie parody episode".

This! It felt like they were just flinging random stuff at me.

Yes yes yes. And this whole "video games" thing is awesome. And Adam Sandler sucks. And lolcats are funny.

Oddly enough, for as lackluster as it's been, Family Guy seems to be experiencing a second awakening. It really has picked up the ball a bit.

Sorry but this is the first time in the history of the tradition that Treehouse sucked. I never thought I'd see the day. The Simpsons has been on ups and downs before, some really high highs, some really low lows. But the one episode a year you can ALWAYS count on is the Treehouse of Horror. If this is what it's come

What I really want to see is a variety show that doesn't acknowledge a few decades have passed. People should be up there on those glitzy 1970s sets and in tuxedos with that "formal tv cadence" that used to be all the rage in hollywood back in the day. Of course feature modern acts and talent, but just in some variety

"Doesn't do"

That's plain not true. The fans have been asking for the Americana drenched, vaguely hippy-ish, "barely contained disaster" wackiness that was the original muppet show ever since it went away. The company after Jim simply doesn't listen.

This exactly. The Muppets are SUPPOSED to be living a disaster filled parody of their simple, honest stage dreams.

Yes well no one since Jim has understood that the muppets are rooted in OLD SCHOOL americana.

It's not underwhelming, it's just sad she's jumped on the trendy feminist horse crap which sees men as an enemy. Everything she bitches about as being a woman's burden are enforced BY WOMEN, not men.

Iliza has become a parody of herself and her shitty generation. She clearly subscribes tot he toxic bastardization that parades itself as feminism and it's incredibly offputting. Jumping to the worst conclusions about men at every step has alienated half her audience and spread a hostile meme to the other half that is

>Puts very little effort into finding a single bad example
>Extrapolates that this means every argument against PETA is bad

It's amazing how consistently useless PETA has managed to be all these years. Literally everything they do is like a Jerry Seinfeld standup bit.

It's a tv show. It's purpose is to make money. And it does that very well.

Super groups rarely work out the way you'd expect.

Gets harder as you get older too. The truth is the Simpsons is pretty much the same quality or better as it was in its early years. It just panders to a different generation who's no longer really of the original audience's zeitgeist so they're not in on all the jokes at society's expense the way they once were. Thus

Personally I really want them to grow some balls and change things. I'd love Bart and Lisa to grow up permanently. I REALLY want a Maggie centric show. She's the perfect character! She'll grow up a clumbsy Simpson, with an intelligent streak that doesn't quite measure up to her sister, which will be countered by a