Parents wanted someplace safe indoors their kids could run wild for an hour or two.
Parents wanted someplace safe indoors their kids could run wild for an hour or two.
Kinja, you cold-blooded bastard! I’ll tell you what I think; I’ll live to make you eat Anonymous37's comment! But I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I’m going to ram it into your stomach, and BREAK YOUR GODDAMN SPIIIIIIIIIIIINE!
There was a comment here that Kinja refused to let me properly edit, despite the fact that I did so within the 15-minute limit. So I scrapped it entirely to write this.
Still as chill and fresh as ever it was.
Ha! Beat me to the (one) punch.
You have died of dysentery.
This show pisses me off and I don't know why. I aggressively hate it
I agree with this for the post-mandate era. Even if we want to hear about justice potentially catching up with him, there will be news on other outlets.
No offense to Jack, of course, but the real tragedy of Titanic: THROW IN A SHOE! THROW IN A JACKET! SELL IT AND START COLLEGE FUNDS FOR GENERATIONS OF ROSE BUKATERS (I had to look that up) TO COME!
Damn, you really wanted to bang out a newswire so you could get to lunch, eh?
I’m not certain, but also constantly post things that were “viral” on other social media platforms before you started shitting on them for all of their terrible policies?
Watched the pilot yesterday and there was absolutely nothing good about it. An A, Jesus. I take that into consideration for your other reviews William Hughes. Honestly, the series is deader than my childhood cat. The only redeeming quality is that I did not notice any joke against minorities I guess?