I would have posted this on a Deadspin article but can’t: Fuck G/O Media. I’m out enjoy your fucking ghostship.
I would have posted this on a Deadspin article but can’t: Fuck G/O Media. I’m out enjoy your fucking ghostship.
I was in Australia decades ago, are thing just not getting any better over there?
The future car renderings are always intriguing mainly because after the teams vet the rules and the aerodynamics guys figure out how to get best performance within the rules the renderings only vaguely resemble what the teams build. None of the renderings the last time the aerodynamics rules changed showed the dildo…
Depending on what this is stuffed with, I think it would be great. I just bought several orange peppers that I was going to slice up to put in a red curry with crab, but what if I make the curry thicker and put it inside little orange pepper jack o lanterns? Give it sliced bamboo shoot hair..................
Nobody has been shot yet, so it falls short of Hoosier justice. I say this as a Hoosier.
Nope. I’m with Graham.
His mustache and perfectly pomaded hair just inspire confidence. I would be confident and in no way alarmed if Graham Hill stepped onto a jet and said ‘Mind awfully if I fly?’
Looking at the Bulls roster you can almost have hope. Then you realize that Jim Boylen is for some reason is still the coach. Oh well.
Midwest raccoons are so much more well behaved it sounds like. It’s the possums we have to watch out for around here. I’ve shot at least for of them.
I’m still not sure Miami is the correct venue.
Why are people so eager to make socer and soccer culture a part of the american sports landscape? Doesn’t the visceral hatred and violence among football fanbases enough? If you love soccer, you are violent and if you are white racist as well. Go fuck yourselves.
Christmas needs to go to hell.
Let’s just assume that all the children are Future’s until proven otherwise.
“saying no” was “not going to be enough.”
Oh and it was 1937, same year same weather. I’m awful with dates. I think Paul, the french driver was wearing an ascot.........................
Looks remarkably like one of the offs at the 1930 Irish Grand Prix. Maybe it’s just all the mud and guys in suits?
Is that picture from the Irish Grand Prix?
Yeah, but can they parallel park?
Eh, I got more important shit to care about.