The NFL created this horrible way of paying players. "Gotta stay within the salary cap, so we'll give you a long term contract with a big ass signing bonus , you'll play a couple years and then we'll cut you."
The NFL created this horrible way of paying players. "Gotta stay within the salary cap, so we'll give you a long term contract with a big ass signing bonus , you'll play a couple years and then we'll cut you."
"Hey old man get off the court we are trying to play! Move it grandpa! Oh wait, aren't you .. you kinda look like .. nah it couldn't be.."
I've been a fan of Stafford's since he played Corky on Life Goes On. Glad to see he's playing quarterback now. That guy has, what we call in the industry, 'range.'
Woah, woah, woah! Who said ANYTHING about "catsup"?
Just look at how excited he is. This is the happiest he's been in 45 years
I figured he would of hung a bit longer.
Eh, I can dunk at 50 too.
I think Cards fans would be all for it. After all, it's not like he's using steroids or other PEDs. This kinda stuff harkens back to the days of Gaylord Perry and Don Drysdale. Lester's cheating the RIGHT way.
"I don't see it." -Kenny Rogers
I get that sometimes emergencies happen. I'd expect pooping outside during a run to be an emergency only thing and not come iwth a non-chalant "lol runners poop outside because runners" attitude. It should be more like "oh my god I had to poop in a bush it was horrible!"
Sometimes you feel great at the beginning of a run, but 5 miles in feel totally different and have to find somewhere to let loose - it's really not a big deal and certainly not something runners aspire to do.
Don't forget the bleeding nipples!
Would you rather swim through a pool of period blood or once a year pass a large, painful kidney stone?
If the idea of having crippling pain that is so intense you can't stand, sit or even breathe starting in your lower back and then slowly radiating to your balls, then sure, pick kidney stones! They are the absolute fucking worst. Even loaded with over the counter drugs I couldn't sleep for more than two hours at a…
I was watching football with my son the other day and he said he liked the Lions because he liked blue because Thomas the Tank Engine is blue.
Yeah, I hear this and just think of the commercial for "LOG" on the Ren and Stimpy Show. Much better, IMO.