
Yeah,I wonder if someone came in and just ordered a cup of coffee would they get the coffee price plus this $2.50 charge? The surcharge is ridiculous.

Unfortunately I have an even easier method to tell if poison ivy is around. I break out quickly. For some reason I’m teribly sensitive to the urushiol and just a breeze blowing by is enough for a mild allergic reaction. 

I’ve long said that their should be 2 tiers of corporate taxes.

Speaking as someone working in the public side of health care I feel for these adjuncts and sympathize. I’ve long believed that the public side of health care everywhere needs to have a union. In the area where I spent the majority of my carrier, any time I mentioned it in our local services the response was , “Try it

My favorite notebook will seem not so cool but it’s very practical. The Mead Five Star brand makes a great 7 x 5 college ruled comp book. It has a plastic outer cover that helps make it pretty rugged,( does well with sweaty southern summers ). It also lies flat which is a must for me. It’s not as super cool as a

I’m going to give you another version of the school lunch problem. My kids elementary school had a no nut product of any kind policy,( due to allergies was their blanket statement) , so PBJ was out. They had several other incredibly restrictive rules. No chocolate, no packaged deserts or sauces( jello cups, packaged

Yeah, but they could change the laws that allow airlines to overbook then bump and require a 50% refund for delays of more than one hour for maintenance issues. I realize that the airlines would raise prices in all likelihood but when they later started looking for ways to save money in a crunch it would all of a

Yeah, I can’t understand how whomever found that gun a week later isn’t up on charges. That makes no sense. 

At some point you have to wonder if these people have ever heard of the internet and social media. In an age when someone does something in Inda and it gets posted to FB or such and the whole world is commenting on it 10 min later? Really I get that their is still racism around but that’s some front porch stuff right

Look at that embedded tweet there that says its $200 K a month! So between 1.2-2.4 million $$ a year. Seriously over a million a year she’s getting paid. I’m all for the kids being taken care of but $100-200K a month! Someone needs to look into the judge that was involved in that right there. Two months of that for

4 Cups boiling water.......... As someone raised in the rural south I just laughed. You’d end up with just enough tea for 2 glasses at My granny’s house! I also worked in a fire department down south where we made sweet tea in a 5 gallon bucket ,( their were 8 of us in the same station). The 1/2 cup of sugar would

Time for those body cams to become helmet or eye glass cams. “Well we saw what you saw! Your exact line of vision and we didn’t see nothing worth shooting!”

On the firefighter thing, here is something to blow your mind. If it’s known that nobody is inside and the fire has progressed to more than one room of a single family home it’s cheaper in the long run to let it burn. So many synthetics in modern household goods , carpet, etc that nothing in a burned home is ever

Sirens was one of the first thoughts I had. Like really, use a siren and wake him up. Dude is passed out or asleep. If the siren doesn’t wake him up then maybe pop a window. Heck if the siren wouldn’t wake him he might need medical attention. 

I know my mom meant well and loved me beyond belief. I was a late life child and my mom was raised with 5 siblings on a farm. Her work ethic was second to none and I think she wanted to teach it to me. The constant practice was her way. She meant well but the intent and results didn’t match. Our relationship got a lot

The adoption “industry” is a real and almost evil racket. I had a coworker , he and his wife tried for years to have a baby with no luck. Finally they decided to try to adopt. It took years and over $50K before they finally got to adopt,( they caught hell in the background checks because she had a no contest plea to

I can strongly recommend the silk pillow case thing. They are absolutely great. I got a set as a gift a couple of years ago and was really skeptical. I actually threw them in the back of the closet and forgot about them. Then one night my dog destroyed my pillow case when I was distracted. I remembered the silk ones

My mom had the rule that once you don’t believe in Santa getting regular Christmas gifts are done and you start giving. We would exchange a small gift or 2 with like a $20 total cost cap. What she did do is make me start doing volunteer or charity work. I can’t remember a single gift I ever got for Christmas but I do

Yeah, why would you post stuff like that under your real name then apply to work at a place like Huff Post,( maybe looking for a wrongful termination law suit)? It seems like the exact opposite of who you would want to join or deal with on a daily basis. It’s not like Fox news isn’t hiring blondes anymore right?

Man when I say I joined to get away from redneckville I meant it. Their are a lot of rednecks the the Corps but their are lots of others too. Weekend entertainment where I grew up was football on friday nights and out of season riding the same street back and fourth till the sheriff said it was time to go home or go