Ugh. This makes me not like the F-22. It doesn't look like it should be able to fly. I'm all about Strike Eagles and the Falcon though! Those are some beautiful machines.
Ugh. This makes me not like the F-22. It doesn't look like it should be able to fly. I'm all about Strike Eagles and the Falcon though! Those are some beautiful machines.
Anyone looking to play on X1? Add me. jagr200 is my gamer tag. I only have a few friends who play GTA anymore. Always looking to have some good laughs online.
So weird. Maybe I need to uninstall and reinstall? I haven't tried that yet but I guess I'll give it a shot. I seriously can't get a single game though. So frustrating.
If you have a shot to kill the person being captured you have a shot at the people doing the abducting.
I bought it for 360 on launch and played the shit out of it after all the issues. I play 2 or 3 evenings a week but I played for 4 or 5 hours at a time. I bought it again for X1 and have maybe played it for 20 hours total. Can't get any online matches with more than 3 or 4 people! It has been out for what 4 months now…
I heard the Emiril line is made in China. Also something about the inner layer is different. I doubt I'd be able to tell though. If I end up going All-Clad I'll probably buy them from their scratch and dent site. Apparently the issues they have are so minor you have to search for them. The untrained eye can never find…
It seems like Amazon is like that a lot now. I think ever since they started offering free stuff to people who make lots of reviews people kind of make their reviews super fluffed up. Worst case I return them to Amazon after 2 weeks if I don't like them.
Luckily price isn't a factor for me on stuff like this. But the reviews keep comparing them to All-Clad and people say they are as good. So I bought it. Worst case all of them suck but 1 or 2 and I just keep them and buy an All-Clad set. I'm clueless in the kitchen but these have to be better than the Costco set of…
Anyone have experience with the Cook's Standard 10 piece set? I want a set of stainless and I've been thinking about All Clad but these things have very good reviews on Amazon. The price seems too good to be true too!
Holiday pricing most likely. Full time pricing? No way. The thing sells like crazy. I can't believe I waited 2 years to get one. My Xbox 1 and PS4 collect dust while I cant keep the Wii Controllers charged! I'm really enjoying the Wii U.
You obviously weren't on Kotaku immediately after the Nintendo Direct went live. People were going NUTS over them not releasing the small N3DS. There were over 700 comments on the article and its safe to say well over 400 of them made mention of no small version.
These carriers pictured are gutted. One of them is actually being towed out in the next month to Texas for scrapping. Most are awaiting either museum donations or scrapping.
Really incredible footage. My father was a boomer for awhile. He took a few videos back in the day when camcorders used huge tapes from his boom operating position. They were really cool but this is a totally new perspective.
I'm playing the shit out of it right now on Wii U for like the 80th time. Just as good as the first time.
That doesn't even show half of it. There are at least 15 submarines in mothball in Bremerton WA as well.
I picked up a few of the MM 3DS XLs on preorder. Already sold 2. Paid for my keeper with the profit. If they release the normal sized unit here in the US I'll buy that and sell off my other MM version.
haha thanks man. I'm always doing stuff like that. Why pay for something if someone else can pay for it for me?
Exactly. Newegg shipping isn't horribly priced but it is horribly slow.
That is a good deal on that Optima Projector. Will work perfectly for gaming or tv/movies. Will also work in a room with average ambient light.
It is quite apparent you are. You continue to reply and call names. Telltale sign of jealousy. I'll own a brand new 3DS for ZERO out of pocket and still make money. I know that stings you.