
I remember how good the game looked and played 15 years ago. I'm really excited to play it now after watching that video. I haven't played it in atleast 10 years.

If you weren't jealous you wouldn't reply. I'll sell the 2 and pay for my unit to keep. BTW both are over $350 on ebay right now! haha

Got ya. I'm not one for the faceplates. Just wanted the smaller sized unit for portability.

I got mine and I live in Seattle. 3 hours behind the east coast. Still managed to get a Gamestop order and 2 BB.

haha. Call me a scalper all you want. You are just hating. Guess what. I've sold 6 Skull Kid special editions already as well. $600 in profit on that already. Not sure how it wasn't friendly. You were being a jealous little bitch and calling names. Not I.

You are right. There is NOTHING wrong with making money off those who weren't intelligent enough to do what I'm doing.

Sounds like you are jealous. I'll make several hundred dollars and get a new 3DS while you'll get nothing.

I do want a 3DS. Just not the MM version. I might sell all 3 and get a black XL even though I really want the normal sized.

I'd rather not. Guess you should have preordered one then huh? Or maybe 2? Or 3? hahahahaha

Jealous? hahaha

You could have nice things if you preordered them. I had to work at it to get them. I spent several hours going between stores before I could get them preordered.

Guess you should have purchased a preorder then. Not like I just hopped on all lolly gagging and bought them. I had to do some work and planning to get them. Sold quite a few PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Wii U consoles as well.

Feel free to buy one on my ebay. Or I'll sell direct to you for the low price of $350 shipped Priority. So you would get it Monday the 16th. I paid for expedited shipping to get it on the 13th.

I didn't know if there was or not. I've never owned a 3DS. This was going to be my first one but I don't like the XL. It is too big. I want the normal white or black one with colored buttons so bad. I picked a MM version up on preorder but I'll probably end up selling it. I just don't want to pay to be unhappy.

Why are you taunting me with a version of the 3DS we can not have?! We(USA) don't get the black version with the colored buttons which makes me terribly sad.

I knew that we weren't getting the normal sized. But I wasn't sure if the ambassadors in the US(if there even were any) would get an XL or the normal size.

Is the ambassador model the XL or normal? Did anyone outside Europe get the ambassador model? Because all I the units I saw on ebay were from Europe.

I bought 3 yesterday. 2 to sell to pay for the one I'll be keeping. haha.

The fact that they did the whole $5 extra thing for no reason is ridiculous. The fact they tried to get him fired is ridiculous. The fact they were assholes is ridiculous. Know what is even more ridiculous? How everyone who posted on their Yelp or Google page stooped to the car dealerships level. That is pathetic.

Wouldn't that be sweet?!