I managed to get 2 on BB and 1 at gamestop.
I managed to get 2 on BB and 1 at gamestop.
Not if you invest that into a fund that grows your money. You are clearly the dumbfuck. I'm sure I have more money in one fund that I throw $20 a month then you have in your entire bank account.
If that is what you want to call it. I don't tip. I didn't make someone take a service job just like they didn't make me get into my occupation. They are doing their job. Why should I give them more of my money for doing it? Nobody gives me a tip for coming in every day and designing the systems I do.
I'm 25. My company offers all that and more. I'd rather that money went into my pocket versus free food and beer. I can buy all the food and beer I want. But there is never enough in my retirement fund or money for more toys.
Why would your employees not be happy if you didn't tip the pizza guy? I don't think they care. Also your employees should not be spending the company money without any thought. Ordering a $15 pizza and tipping $10 would be insane. But people do it because "It isn't my money so what do I care?" Which is what is wrong…
Sure it did. $5 here and there adds up to $10,000 eventually. That $10,000 invested into Microsoft then turns into 10mil and so on and so on.
Why not? Bill Gates didn't get rich handing out $10 tips for a $15 pizza. Now he throws his money around like it is blank paper but he didn't before.
Ya but it is your bonus or raise.
This also launched 10+ years ago when cellphones had antennas you had to pull out 3 feet to get a signal.
Win what? What am I trying to win? Proving the fact that I'm far superior in every aspect of life? Already did that.
Well if you were somewhat intelligent you would know that "Freedom of speech" is only about the government censoring what you say against them. It doesn't protect your every word. haha
Go fuck yourself baby guy. It's funny. You are the one that was all excited to get in a battle of the internet. Then you couldn't even come up with one single thing that was witty or somewhat intelligent. I was really hoping you could give me a laugh or something. But nopeeeeee.
I got 2! haha
It is called free market. I sold PS3s and 4s for more than double their retail at launch. Nothing wrong with making some money off people who couldn't order fast enough.
haha. I bought 2 to sell on ebay or directly to people from here.
Got 2 on Bestbuy.com. I'll sell directly to anyone on here. Slight markup but nothing too massive. 100% perfect feedback on ebay.
You are such a little bitch it is unbelievable. I promise I wipe my ass with more money then you make in a month. Money is nowhere near a concern for me. And I don't give a shit if Nintendo doesn't take my money. I play once or twice a week for an hour or two when at home. Would love to have a standard N3DS for…
Who said this was exclusive to Gamestop? Amazon Canada was selling them but they sold out already.
Why would I do that? In a year or so all the games will be New 3ds only. Also the games I want are required to be run on the N3DS.
Yup. You proved my point. You are an idiot.