50 million people will NEVER, EVER tune into a college game. I LOVE football. I refuse to watch college football on tv. You couldn't pay me enough.
50 million people will NEVER, EVER tune into a college game. I LOVE football. I refuse to watch college football on tv. You couldn't pay me enough.
Oh I know. But I'd rather have a shorter draw then a long draw and ps2 textures and shading. All I'm saying is his 6 year old card isn't going to run this game well if at all unless he loves PS2 quality. Even at the lowest settings he is gonna skip and jump all over the place.
Think what you want.
Good exploitation of glitches. That's all I see.
Yup. Skyrim isn't half as demanding as GTA will be. My 6 year old MBP runs it on full settings with ease.
Ya at PS2 quality graphics. Have fun with that.
P.C. master race......
There is and it is extremely simple to do. I run a stream based off a VPS using all my own hardware and software. I stream to roughly 1,000 people at a time in 720p with no lag or issues. Any tech team worth a damn will know how to set it up. If not let me know.
I can't believe this has made 800k and a cancer walk wouldn't even come close.
I remember Stuart from when I was 5 or 6 watching ESPN with my dad. Of course then I didn't know much of what it meant but I remember him being always happy and having a great time. I watched him for over 20 years. The guy was ESPN. If my kids grow up to be half the guy he was I'll be more than happy.
The Mig 29 is a beautiful aircraft.
Sega killed themselves. Sony had nothing to do with it. Dreamcast was far superior but piracy killed them as did stupid accessories choices.
So stupid. Glitching to skip MASSIVE parts of the game. This isn't completing the game. This is just jumping from the beginning to the end.
People are STILL playing this game? lol
They just said "Sometime 2015." Kinda annoying because I don't own a 3DS but I'm trying to resist getting one to hold me over until they release the "new" version.
They just said "Sometime 2015." Kinda annoying because I don't own a 3DS but I'm trying to resist getting one to…
Exactly. I've been patiently waiting to get a 3DS. I want the Zelda remakes and mario that is about it but you can bet your ass I'll wait for the "New" 3DS with the awesome colored buttons and C Stick haha.
Exactly. I've been patiently waiting to get a 3DS. I want the Zelda remakes and mario that is about it but you can…
I'm failing to find anything advertised about their trade in or the acceptable list. Can you point me in the right direction? I'm going to do this tomorrow if I can. Might as well snag a few new games for cheap as dirt haha
I'm failing to find anything advertised about their trade in or the acceptable list. Can you point me in the right…
Man censorship sucks.
I don't think it is illegal to use "hate speech" online. Atleast not in the US. I agree though she is a waste of air.
Since when is being racist illegal? I'm not for racism but honestly I can't see where saying something like she did is a crime.