
lmfao. You are so incredibly clueless it is insane.

You are a fucking idiot. You are the only person on the face of the earth saying the US is attempting to overthrow a government. Go sodomize yourself with a retractable baton.

Probably because nobody gives a shit about the missing Malaysian plane. The US isn't leading those efforts. It is Australia.

That is where you are wrong. Look at the launch doors on the train cars. There will be leakage. You know how thick our silo based doors are? Over 7 feet thick. Radiation still leaks through. Our technology is far more advanced than you could ever imagine. They will be able to sense these things in transit. It won't be

I'm sure it has happened more than once.

Blog link?

We have satellites that can pick up concentrated radiation. It will be easy to spot.

3 years ago my wife took a seasonal job at Best Buy so we could benefit from the very nice employee discount as we had just bought a house. If you work seasonal there you get the discount immediately so we bought all brand new appliances for the entire house and some tvs and such. We saved thousands. Anyways......

Can we just water board these assholes? The full article is funny. They claim to have access to the undersea internet pipeline. Ya right. Anyone can snatch up a few dozen virtual servers(they are really cheap on russian domains) and put out this large of an attack. One of my VSPs thought I was running a DDOS last

I put a few of them in select locations in my house. Mostly wherever my wife frequents. She can kill her phone battery by 10am without fail. So I've got one in the bedroom, kitchen, her side of the couch, basement tv room, bathroom and guest room.

I put a few of them in select locations in my house. Mostly wherever my wife frequents. She can kill her phone

That couldn't be further from the truth. You DO NOT need an internet connection to play games. You can open the console and pop a game in and play.

Well that should be your choice. Not a bunch of little shithead kids. I play MAYBE 5 or 6 hours a week. MAYBE. I had one day off for once in my life and wanted to play for a few hours. I don't celebrate Christmas and didn't have anyone over except myself and my wife. She was busy doing some crafts and I wanted to

You obviously don't know much about it. Another group was exposing them and they are from 15-23 or so. Most are very young. Still not old enough to smoke or drink.

Long story short "Lizard Squad" is a bunch of shitbag kids who did it because they were bored and they are jealous of most of us because they will never get laid in their life.

Neighbors was HORRIFIC.

Negative. There is so much good that could be done in 12 hours instead of giving out gifts to computer characters. Totally different if it were an MMORPG where he went around giving it to real players. This shit is just pathetic.

So. Stupid. People really need to get a life.

For Wii or PS4? Nothing on the PS4 could get me to buy it again. I'll buy a Wii in a few months.

For Wii or PS4? Nothing on the PS4 could get me to buy it again. I'll buy a Wii in a few months.

Wanna buy a brand new year card to PSN+? haha.

Wanna buy a brand new year card to PSN+? haha.

I resisted pulling the trigger.

I resisted pulling the trigger.