So much for March. If the Xbox One doesn't get some good games quick I fear it is going to get crushed in the "console wars."
So much for March. If the Xbox One doesn't get some good games quick I fear it is going to get crushed in the "console wars."
Its a shame your comments always suck.
Gahhhh how I miss the "blades" and no ads dashboard.
Gah. Gimme ACBF for Xbox One for $30 and I'll buy it right away. I'm not paying $60 for it. Didn't go for it at $49 either last week.
A bunch of idiots in this lil thread. You don't see people stealing UPS or FedEx OR USPS packages often. Wanna know why? It is a Federal Offense. Not worth it at all. The packages that will be delivered here are going to be 5lbs or less. Ya go ahead and steal my USB cables. Have fun getting plugged from the rear. Oh…
Ya because paying $50 a year to save $0.01 per gallon of milk is really worth it…...
If you actually compare prices between Walmart and Costco and factor in the membership you don't save any money at Costco. You actually spend more at Costco.
Did anyone else see all the fat bitches fighting over some pots and pans at Walmart? haha. My wife wanted some but not nearly that bad. We went by at like 11am this morning to see if they had some left. They did but the price made them only $20 less than normal and $40 more than their "doorbuster" pricing.
Stopped reading after you said a game "drops" after the 5th time.
55% failure rate. You sir are full of shit. I have 3 360s in my house. Had them since launch. Not a single failure.
Then I did 2 for friends. I'm going to do another one here soon once radio shack opens. haha
I agree. Digital games are a great idea. But Sony gave bargain bin stuff. haha. It would be like MS to give away 360 titles because your X1 broke. haha. I'm kinda surprised they didnt.
Exactly. Ryse looks fun. But I don't put it anywhere near a $60 game. Drop it to $35 or $40 and I'll buy it right now. Now Forza is just incredible. Although the $50 pack for 60 cars is kina a joke. I really feel like they rushed it and because they removed cars to launch the game we all suffer and have to pay for…
I was feeling lazy. But then I did it. haha. So now mine is functioning perfectly and I can use my TBs!
Forza is AMAZING. Ryse is average at best.
Ya 2 shitty games.
Weird. I've had my TBs for 3 years.
There are some pretty incredible gaming headsets that do offer true 5.1.
I'm just gonna call and say mine is busted. They are sending out a console and then you send one in. By that time I'll have a free game and another console. Boom. Buy my HDMI ports are really loose. haha
Hey I'll send you my plug and cable if you do that for me. Although I want just the 2.5 on it because I have a turtle beach setup and would like to use that.
Because calling it "a set of cans" sounds stupid. I have about 8k into my surround sound system. I'm an audiophile for sure. But I don't call it "a set of cans" because that just makes you sound like an idiot.