
I wanna say it is either in the audio settings or the kinect settings. I know I saw it just don't remember where exactly.

Funny. I sold my preorder for $630 and never had to touch the console.

You obviously have no idea. I buy the protection plan on every single device I buy at BB. I've had tvs break, iphone screens break, projector bulbs go out, fridge no longer cool etc and I am always covered. Not to mention when I want a new tv I just make sure it doesn't function and boom I get a new updated tv of the

Agreed. Not including it was a fucking joke. I did buy it but its because I never bought one on my 360 and got tired of smoking through batteries.

I'd bet a few people lined up shortly after the guy left. There is no way nobody showed up until 5pm on launch evening. Not a chance. The guy who got 1st for xbox one showed up on Wednesday evening.

I think it is stupid they saved his spot. Takes all the fun out of it. He wasn't really the first customer as I'm sure some people waited all day. I wonder how #2 felt when that guy showed up a few hours before launched and jumped to the front of the line.

No but claiming this guy is the "1st PS4 customer" is bullshit. He showed up and got lucky. Sony said "sure go home and come back a few hours before launch" while I'm sure plenty of other people waited it out. So ya this guy is a pussy he couldn't stand in line and actually earn the title.

While you sit at your computer with LED lights and your teamspeak. Covered in pimples poking away at a keyboard playing WoW with all your guild members.

Pretty much the only games on PC that aren't available on a console are MMORPGs. Go ahead. You can keep them.

Did 3 tours in Iraq shitbag. 1st Marines. Army. Pfftttt.

You can always buy them and wait until you get a replacement. Durrrr

Preorders could be sold at closing time at all Game Stops. Make sure you are there before they open if you want one. They probably won't have any left if you wait.

I was kinda impressed he was first and waited starting Wednesday. Then I realized he was a pussy and went home for an entire day and then got to jump to the front of the line again. What a joke. I waited 24 hours to buy my 360 and my PS3s when they launched. Granted I sold the PS3s and made $600 profit each but I

The game I watched there was no lag. But I didn't play any xbox games. It looked great and worked great. Although I now have my cable box hooked up through it and it works great. Just gotta figure out the IR blaster thing as the ones I had were too small. :(

You know what makes me really happy? The idiots who posted them on ebay but left up the QR code. Now I have the achievement and can sell mine on ebay thanks to them allowing me to scan their card from my computer monitor. :D

Installing takes awhile but it isn't too bad. My 6gb update for Forza took about 4 minutes to download. I love my crazy fast internet. haha.

I will say I haven't even played a game yet! haha. I'm currently watching a hockey game through the Game Center app on my 360 routed through my Xbox one since the app isn't on

Finally grabbed my console just a few minutes ago. SAHHHHWEEETTTTTTTT! Loving how fast it is. It will load up a Green xbox screen. Be patient! It feels like forever but isn't more than 5 minutes on the first boot. Then all is warp speed from there.

I saw that in their terms of service. Good thing those won't hold up in court. Showed it to my attorney (I was curious) and he said there is no way that would stand in a court of law. You have the right to sue for specific things. Such as if it caught fire and burned your house down or electrocuted you. You can't sue

You will probably get it tomorrow. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it came today. I've had stuff from amazon say it was coming on Wednesday and show up Monday afternoon after I ordered it on a Saturday.

Worst case is I get the console back and Sony fixes it. Or I could send it back to amazon for my money back. If in the rare instance I get it back I'll keep it for the bedroom. Already have one in the theater room. Can always use a bluray player in the bedroom.

At least that guys Xbox 1 turned on unlike a lot of PS4s. My PS4 was bricked out of the box. All console launches will have issues. Why wish it on a fellow gamer?