Anybody else expect that to be Drew in the video?
Anybody else expect that to be Drew in the video?
What? Bachelor Party didn’t make the top 3?
My kid is 15 months and teething and has 8 teeth coming in at once. So my vote is that 15 months is the worst age.
Looks at post.
Maybe if Marchman had an AC unit it wouldn’t sound like he was in an empty gradeschool gym recording this podcast.
Oh, ever get up and start walking out and be judged by the people who stay in their seats for the credits.
Pretzel rod wins simply because you can pull it out of your mouth like it is a giant cigar and hold it in your hand while trying to make a point.
So, Drew’s funbag gets relegated to the Adequate Man section of Deadspin and now he’s reporting on ass eating? Guess they are trying to make up for the slight by giving him something he’s really into.
I imagine this is how Drew plays softball
Does Gawker have an intern whose sole job is to just comb reddit all day to look for posts to republish or is it a group effort?
That catcher wouldn’t have backtracked after saying something like this like this woman did.
The Funbag is now on “Adequate Man”? Is that like having your videos being banished to VH1 back in 95?
C’mon, you know 99.9% of people who have published a book are insufferable. Even the dip who published something themselves and sold 1 copy never shuts the fuck up about it.
I back whatever course that prohibits some dip yelling “mashed potatoes” after every shot.
Nobody but hardcore golfers cares about The PGA tour. People only care about individual events.
I was lucky enough to attend The Masters twice and was SHOCKED when I saw a kid who must have been 19 there dressed in an old Megadeth Teeshirt, black jeans and ratty sneakers. I was kind of shocked to see him and more shocked that somebody didn’t drag him out. I did spend the rest of the day wondering what his deal…
I’m still waiting for the “What Member of the Deadspin Staff is Irritating Drew This Week” segment.
Odds that accepting it without appeal was agreed upon based on a reduction of Brady’s suspension?
I didn’t say I wasn’t an asshole myself.