Jagorim Jarg

How does Cam Newton escape criticism? His stats have gone down each season since his amazing rookie year.

Golic is just a guy who likes to grab donuts.

I forgot to add "untradeable contract" to my comment. (see Semin, Alexander for an example).

Rutherford overpaid a player on the downside of their career with marginal stats? Welcome to Carolina North, Pittsburgh.

Friend of mine played on a beer league hockey team sponsored by the local All Girl Staff place.

They have the same type of battles in Western Pennsylvania. Guys who like chipped ham versus those who don't.

Andy Reid did the same thing into the post game buffet.

I'm sure Drew already covered that in a Funbag.

Do you see certain people posting over and over in different posts and just think, "jeez, get a life loser."

1. Any other beer ever made

Sounds terrible though I'm not sure a 12" poo is that long.

Would you rather work for Jim Rome or Colin Cowherd?

If I see a deadspin writer on the streets of New York should I eat it or touch it?

How long was your longest shit (not time, but length of the stool)

Why did Drew vomit into a trashcan recently? Seems like he pukes in public often. Is it an issue? Does he come into the offices and you guys know that he's going to want to go out and get pizza (and eat 12 slices, but leave the crusts) then drink too much and puke within 5 minutes of leaving the pizza place?

How often do you read the comments to your posts?

What percentage of tips sent in are about having pictures of athlete's dongs? 90%?

Totally agree. That thing would spin at Mach 6. Great game.

Quinn Snyder.

How about the dipshit who brought a swim mask...and could barely swim. What a dipshit.