
Perusing online, OEM cats are $1600-1800 each (2 required), so that's ~20% of the bill right there.

$215/hr is ‘reasonable’?

I bought a semi-recent NBA Live for about $5 on a PSN sale, and genuinely had a good time with it. I say, “Keep plugging along!” 

Seriously, that “childishness” is the reason Mazda has so many fans to begin with. A little frog-looking roadster that’s way faster and more fun than it ought to be, a sports car powered by a dorito, a turbo hatchback with a giant grin and a hood scoop.....

Mazda would be dead to me if they stopped making the Miata. But because they do that, I can’t hate them too much.

“Childish,” says the company still willing to restore your cheap little roadster from the 90's with pop-up headlights to showroom quality. Yeah, we’ll see

completely unrelated, also is unrelated these 3 expansions were in less than a year and at least the first 2 were trash...

“...among other provisions allows transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as.” And where exactly do you apply for your transgender ID? Point being, I can identify as male or female on any given day on a whim. This political football (or basketball in this case) has absolutely nothing to do