JaggerTheDog Part Deux

The stupidest part about this is that there shouldn’t be any jiggling at all. They’re metal android bodies...

Could you have written ‘FromSoft’s’ instead of ‘Dark Souls’’? Probably not, bet your editor wanted the SEO clickbait headline instead. Really tired of people only using the borrowed language of Dark Souls to discuss a series it has nothing in common with.

Cracks me up seein’ Schaub references in the most unlikely places.

Oh oh...heh...unfunny ‘comedians’...

What’s this got to do with Truggs?

Dude, you can’t call Nazis “Nazis”, it hurts their feelings! 

“Apple’s support for California’s Right to Repair Act demonstrates the power of the movement that has been building for years and the ability for industries to partner with us to make good policy the industry’s lobbying efforts to water down a bill to benefit screw over the people of California,”

So, Zack Snyder’s Galaxy Quest?

Star Wars if you fed it into Midjourney.

Looks like a movie shot to make a trailer.

(In about another 6 months)

Sounds like a great profession. People throw money at you. People celebrate you for using sex work to empower yourself. And then when you’ve made enough (for now) you can tell those same people who threw money at and celebrated you that they are horrible for doing so and that it has irrevocably harmed your mental

God and Jesus should’ve told him ahead of time to rethink this stupid plan. 

I could have made it grains of sand, but just writing sand better matches the tempo of the Bladerunner quote.

More specifically this list of game catalogs is for those who paid extra for the tiers: Extra and Premium. Essentials only get the 3 free monthly games.

This is all stupid, but its also kind of funny/pathetic that this person whose name I did not know until about 2 minutes ago got more people to show up than trump does to any of his shit.

lol someone whose entire claim to fame is that they are married to matt fucking gaetz does not deserve any level of respect

Maron looks as though he’s Doomsday prepping in an underground bunker somewhere

It’s pretty stupid to not view this case in the context of the major issue that right-wing cretins are making about the existence of athletes that don’t conform to gender norms.

They praised Phelps for his genetic gifts, but demonized Semenya...which imho is because she is a black woman.