JaggerTheDog Part Deux

It’s an awfully big Universe to supposedly be the only planet with life on it...

Something about the eyes just prevents me from taking smoky goth Megamind seriously.

“break the allure that so many J.K. Rowling defenders fight so doggedly to protect.”

Stopped reading right there. Enough of this bull shit! Being a fan of Harry Potter does not automatically make someone a J.K. Rowling defender. Yes I understand there are implications, i.e. supporting her financially helps in her quest

Now playing

The cop wasn’t just arresting the kid (warning, NSFW)

and more likely to get an instant block from those of us that know better than to pay for a free app.

Funny, I was just absolutely f*cking fuming this weekend about the red states banning DRAG SHOWS en masse, because Think of the Children! but actual bullets destroying their bodies ... thoughtsandprayerslol. 

70% of Americans want stricter gun control, but they are only allowed to ever elect 49.5% of the politicians who could do it.

That’s like half the comments on Root. Its funny because it keeps the engagement numbers up which makes Root’s articles seem more popular and valuable to management.

Reminds me of when I got LASIK so I could see more detail on my 4K TV!

But seriously, despite what you’ve heard on the internet, motion sickness isn’t a rampant issue with VR unless you’re using phone VR. Which in my experience, is always what it turns out someone who is saying VR gives them motion sickness was using.

Amateur! How have you never vomited in your living room? That is one of the first things I did after building my home! You don’t need a VR headset to do it. I expect you to go home tonight and christen the ‘ol lounge!

Always for hearing good news in bad places (aka the comments section of... well, anything). Best of luck!

If your motion sickness is anything like mine, you won’t be vomiting so much as just feeling like absolute shit and unable to do really much of anything for several hours afterward. One spinout in whatever the racing game demo was on PSVR and I was done for quite a while.

the dream.

I preface this by saying that I have multiple level 80 characters in WOW, but haven’t played in years.

You and your actually reading the article!

Also have to love how some of them will try to spin their narrative and make excuses to claim that their opinion isn’t about hate.

Anytime someone says the graphics are going to be better on a switch game, my brain goes to “ok, what did you sacrifice for this?”  I find that after a few hours my appreciation for graphical quality falls away and performance better hold up.

It’s exhausting keeping up with the “meta-game”, though.  Constant reworking is leading to fast burnout.

They also do a good job of letting the seasons play out before hitting the big cards that define them.  I think they do a good enough job of balancing the game that its not the worst having to wait through a season for some of these changes.

Adrianne Curry?