JaggerTheDog Part Deux

I thought it was Vitamin C!

Man, I Feel Like I Know This Woman

It’s amazing how different some people’s experiences can be. Like I remember having a convo with someone lamenting killmonger being in like every deck they faced, when my experience was almost completely opposite and he’d only very rarely make an appearance. 

Weird, I don’t think I’ve ever been Spider-Man pointed at in that manner. It’s been almost exclusively used when we both play the same card in the same turn, as in the pointing Spider-Man meme. Only other usage has been to urge people to play a card, like “hey it’s your turn, I’m done, let’s keep this thing moving

I’m not saying climate change is a good thing by any means, but the ongoing submersion of Florida is at least a silver lining.

I’m not willing to throw ALL Floridians under the bus for this, but I’m willing to push a whole lot of ‘em in front of it.

And for the Tate apologist who tried to shame me the last time: Yea, don’t care how much dough he makes, don’t care how much you want to try that alpha bullshit, don’t care that I am only here commenting.

I can’t get over the name and the truly horrible, clickbaityYouTube face” thumbnails he makes for his videos.

This. 100% this. I recognize that it is my own foible and more than a bit ridiculous. Regardless, I cannot get over that fucking name.

Hard to believe this guy got his start running a simple fast food burger chain.

That will probably come later. The bloater is a lot for only the third episode of the show. We’ve only ever even seen them encounter clickers once.

I’m actually more worried about a takeover from a bullshit generator, we’ve seen that there are more than enough people who don’t care if the product is true or not, as long as it sounds good and makes them feel better. We actually elected a bullshit generator president, FFS. Now imagine a Trumpesque chatbot/text

Most people absolutely CAN afford it if they really tried, they just waste a lot of money. At a minimum - how many of those 57% have a recent iPhone or high-end Android phone instead of a modestly priced Android phone that would do everything they really need to do? That’s $500-1000 right there. How about cable TV and

If you didn’t mention Microsoft directly I would have thought you were describing EA

It’s crazy that japenese porn blurs out pussies yet Ted Cruz’s face is allowed to be freely published in its natural state.

You do you. All HBOs start off slow but damn, HotD ended up being amazing.

Nice guys dont finish. Assholes get major puss because bitches be stoopid

They’ll slow play this until the cosplaying boomer dentists die off.  Good riddance to them.

It’s pretty damn obvious tech companies are trying to make artistic/creative labor in general obsolete through the increasing popularity of AI tools(obviously pushed by them). AI tools may be flawed right now, but people are overlooking the true intent here.