JaggerTheDog Part Deux

Look, I think we can all agree that if anyone gets to be an egomaniac jabroni (...sure, that’s a word), it’s The Rock. I mean, come on, he took over the name of the most common object on the planet. You know how cow milk is so prevalent that we just call it “milk”? How chicken eggs are so overwhelmingly popular that

Everyone knows that the president of Romania is George Santos

You Only Live... Nice.

On Her Majesties’ Secret Bromance
Chill Another Day

We have entered the millennial fuckboy era of bond 

OK then how about this:

You could delete all of Harry Potter, all the past and even future possibilities for the Harry Potter universe, and she would still not need a single penny from you... and, more importantly, she would retain access to any and every platform she cared to want access to.

ok Andrew

I have children. The choice of which media enters my home is certainly an adult decision.

lol. lmao.

Show me an AI that doesn’t need to be trained to create art after seeing art created by others, and I’ll show you a true AI. What’s that? No AI has come close to that level? My five year old niece was drawing and coloring long before she understood what drawing, coloring, or art was, so our “artificial intelligences”

It’s not that she’s offended by everything. She’s only offended when people do the same things she’s doing.

Imagining how the conversation went:

i forgot the /s but also fuck you dickcheese. 

I remain caught in a perpetual loop of first dates, waiting for even one of these suitors to care enough about me to send a “memo” joking about going on a second date.

I think this is taking what is probably a tongue-in-cheek comment way too seriously.

Tell us you’re a misandrist without telling us you’re a misandrist.  Jesus fucking christ, let a dumb fucking joke be a dumb fucking joke.  Outrage culture is completely off the rails. The internet was a mistake. 

Like someone else mentioned. AI artists are like the guys that buy electric playing pianos, and then sit down and pretend then are hitting the keys as the piano plays the music automatically.

If anyone had a boner after getting past that header pic... there’s no sympathy!