JaggerTheDog Part Deux

You forgot Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Eyes of Wakanda, Bad Batch S3, and Takes of the Jedi S2.

It’s annoying that this happened, but, let’s be honest, with Insomniac’s track record, seeing the games coming is pretty exciting!

The Marvels didn’t have the luxury of full promotion due to the strike. The box office 100% did not reflect how good the movie actually was. It was a lot of fun and totally worth watching. Fandom really is just weird and dumb at times.

The last good musical film was South Park.

Thought they could save money using a pickle jar lid, huh?

Cancel all my appointments. This is gonna take a lot of bleach.

Let’s not reach for tinfoil hats, just yet. While it may seem they’re implying it was some sort of inside job, the majority of ransomware attacks are only successful due to simple employee error.

If you look at how much further away the red car was, it’s almost certain he tried taking off, but lost control.

While I wish we would have predicted this outcome...


...a Lex that will be different from anything you’ve seen before and will never forget.

How could Rockstar do that to such a well-adjusted, contributing member of society?????

Sorry “Florida Joker”. Not your face. Not your tattoos. You’re not getting a cent. Go back to your meth den.

So, we already know about S*********, R** *****, and M******, but now that The Predator is canon to the X-Men (Wolverine vs. Predator is an awesome comic, btw!), I seriously hope we get to see that matchup on film, one day! I’d prefer it being an anime-style film, though. No need to ruin it with casting choices and

Three things they wanted Destiny to be: Great. Live-service. Profitable.

Another day, another bunch of crying snowflakes upset over a videogame. Just like the jackasses that cried foul over Mei’s cornrows, who had zero understanding of the use of the hairstyle as a functional utility in MMA/fighting.

I didn’t even look at it, but, now that I have, it gives me early 2000's pre-rendered cutscene vibes.

Microsoft: “God I hope people upgrade their XBoxes to play GTA 6"

I’m such a gullible moron.

100% this!