JaggerTheDog Part Deux

It’s like a weird Tom Holland/Robert Pattinson mix. Seriously. Cover the top of his face and he becomes Pattinson’s Batman.

Pete wore cornrows?!? Oh, no! Better cancel him, Greeks, Romans, Austrians, French, Vikings... Fuck it; No more video games set anywhere in the last 30,000 years! WOKE BOMB!!!!

The effort to balance inclusivity and wokeness in this game rreeeaaallllyyyy shows...

*cough cough* Oh, no! I seem to be coming down with something...

I was at NYCC Thursday and watched the trailer at the booth. There were noticeable grumbles from people when the chibi characters showed up. Gotta say, I’m with them. Really not a fan of that style, but I’ll hold serious judgement until we know what the actual story is. Seems like there’s a bit of time

Commander stays. MAGA sympathizers go.

Nothing to worry about. Your dog is just very sympathetic to the mentally disabled.

I wonder if Bungie saw a possible TLOU mmo/live service game coming out of Factions and decided to poo poo it enough so that it wouldn’t eat their lunch?

That’s just it; She’s NOT good at her job. He keeps her around because she has big tits, a pretty face, and agrees with everything Chump says/wants.

I’ve been unemployed without severance. Six months PLUS health benefits is something FEW ever get the benefit of. It’s no holiday, but it’s nothing to scoff at either.

Tim Sweeny earns a salary of about $1.5M and is worth over $4B. If 900 people need to be laid off because the company he runs can’t spend money properly, maybe they need to spend some on a better CEO?

This game needs to just die off already. Pains me to say it as someone who really loved Overwatch, once upon a time.

These are all great picks. Recently rewatched Edgerunners and god damn is that a great show! Serial Experiments Lain was recently showcased on Nextlander’s WatchCast podcast. Another great one that seems to fly under people’s radar.

What the...?!?! I thought this game was shutdown and unplayable??? May have to hook up my PS4 and fire this up! I’ve been on an Apex kick, lately, so more Titanfall is very much welcome!

Well, I’m glad I waited. Sounds like picking the game up - plus dlc - is a no-brainer!

This just makes me so happy, but not TRULY happy. Mainly because I know there are still a bunch of scammers and grifters out there that managed to make money off of this.

Because it looks cool as shit! I remember first seeing it in the trailer and saying to myself “if that’s a gesture or some sort of weapon transform animation, I will do that any chance I get!”

Or they walked across other bridges to work with right wing outlets...

God damn... Imagine buying a car, putting down $5k, paying $500/mo., only to be told after a year that the bank is now going to charge you for every mile after, like, 2 miles PER TRIP. Fuck Unity.