JaggerTheDog Part Deux

What the...?!?! I thought this game was shutdown and unplayable??? May have to hook up my PS4 and fire this up! I’ve been on an Apex kick, lately, so more Titanfall is very much welcome!

Well, I’m glad I waited. Sounds like picking the game up - plus dlc - is a no-brainer!

This just makes me so happy, but not TRULY happy. Mainly because I know there are still a bunch of scammers and grifters out there that managed to make money off of this.

Because it looks cool as shit! I remember first seeing it in the trailer and saying to myself “if that’s a gesture or some sort of weapon transform animation, I will do that any chance I get!”

Or they walked across other bridges to work with right wing outlets...

God damn... Imagine buying a car, putting down $5k, paying $500/mo., only to be told after a year that the bank is now going to charge you for every mile after, like, 2 miles PER TRIP. Fuck Unity.

But Republicans have no problem being associated with someone who’s husband exposed himself to under aged girls...

...a slow-mo TikTok of her and Timberlake having a grand old time together after the VMAs set to Do As Infinity’s “Fukai Mori”


And yet still fathered two children with her...

Turner seems like the coolest chick ever...

So many great voice actors out there, but they go with Megan ‘My Tits Do All The Acting’ Fox? Really? Even if they didn’t want an experienced voice actor, they could’ve at least brought back Mel Jarnson who ACTUALLY PLAYED Nitara in the movie!

You shut your damn common sense-spouting mouth!!!

How long until we get Gundam DLC?????

There’s no difference between this and stomping Goombas or shooting people in a fps...except creativity.

You’re not wrong, but I’m willing to bet more people probably know of it from Dark Souls than any other game maybe?

As much as I love dumping on Schlob, I don’t put him at the top of the mountain in terms of skeeziness, though he’s up there. Delia and Callen for sure! Schlob is just like the dumb brother that just tags along and acts like he’s above everyone and got there because of his ‘worgethic’. If these guys didn’t have rich

Tawmbout that Han’Gabsdy?

I really do hope it’s good, and I never even watched the series! I’ve caught a couple of the movies, but that’s it. I just want to see something at least gets more than half of the viewers NOT trashing it.