JaggerTheDog Part Deux

Holy shit. I actually didn’t even realize that. I 100% read it as if it WAS about multiple people. My brain is fucked.

The fact that we even live in a world where ‘celebrities’ are a thing that matters to people is pretty fucked.

Maybe instead of listing pronouns, we should all just list chromosomes...

Planes are generally a couple miles apart as a minimum safe distance and when they’re over the oceans it’s much wider, so I don’t know if those airborne wakes are enough to do that. It’s interesting to think about, though. I can imagine highly-trafficked routes could possibly have affects at least on smaller planes?

No argument there!

r/CrazyFuckingVideos went dark and I don’t know what to do with myself. Certainly not gonna waste time ‘working’...

At this point, the porn industry is doing more for Overwatch characters than Blizzard is.

100% coffee spit take. Take your damn star!

“If you wanna get to President Trump, you’re gonna have to go through me, and you’re gonna have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Can’t help but think it’s some sort of promotional thing...

Only the media gave up. Covid just doesn’t bring in the ratings that Trump and his MAGA cult are currently doing.

Hopefully that’s not true. Curious how you came to that conclusion? From the article, his only quote made it seem like he was really enthusiastic about everything he was doing.

Fuck UD. I’ve done card work for them and they pay like garbage, refuse to negotiate, and communicate horribly. I hope Disney buries ‘em.

I get this from my motorcycle helmet. Short rides are no problem. Riding 30 minutes to work, though? My bald head looks like the skin is stretched over some segmented robot skull.

Bravo to this team for constantly working on this game and just making it so damn special. Every time I jump back in I’m just blown away at the changes!

Exactly! For some reason the image I posted didn’t come up. >:-/

This art team are braver than the troops...

Did the WFH thing back in 2014 until the company shutdown in 2016 (they were in CA and I’m in NY), so going back to wfh during covid wasn’t an issue for me. My corworkers, on the other hand, they had some trouble adjusting, so I was constantly giving out advice on how to handle it. We’ve been on a hybrid schedule -

Pierson Fodé could play a young Supes that skips leg dá.

So...when are we gonna move away from the ridiculous ‘scale mail’ costume?