JaggerTheDog Part Deux

Austin and Patrick need to get at least one more person and start a Patreon. It’s worked for the Nextlander guys and Gerstmann. They have enough of a following and support that there’s no reason why it wouldn’t work for them as well.

Jesus Christ what the fuck...

A site that relies on clickbait giving other sites crap about using clickbait?!? I don’t believe it!

Prenups are your friend.

The asteroid can’t hit us soon enough.

Should’ve spared the alligator, trapped it, and then feed that piece of shit murderer to it!

The Human Torch was denied a bank loan.

Yes. God forbid studios learn that you can make a billion dollars by respecting a beloved IP and turning out a good movie because of it.

I really hope Nick Swardson sees the video and does his own version of it.

Billionaire’s Penis Stops Working After 4 Minutes

I wouldn’t be surprised if this ‘sequence’ gets some sort of Disney+ treatment or added into something else later on as a cut down flashback. It sounds too epic to let the footage go to waste.

People commenting like “Stop feeding the trolls! Don’t report on them and they’ll go away!”

Whoever smelt it, dealt it and also did racist shit.

I’m on a Honda CB300R naked (the bike, not me) and I also live on Long Island, so I get all the fun variations of traffic and highway and can relate to just about everything you mentioned here.

Agreed. Hell of a golfer, too.

This looks pretty good! Wonder who that is holding Ronan’s hammer? (Giggity)

Well, there go my plans to check out the Shroud of Turin...

Just imagine you’re one of the richest people on Earth with the resources to do so much good, but, instead of doing anything of the sort, you go through the process of having a letter on a sign painted white so that it could make you and five other people chuckle for a second.

*sniff sniff* Yep. Something tells me this was all just an excuse to sneak in some ACAB bullshit...

Whatever. This should happen more often. These ‘pranksters’ need more doses of FAFO.