JaggerTheDog Part Deux

Also, the entire penal system from Stone Ocean.

...where a literally piggish, greedy cop was about to arrest a impoverished black kid for stealing the main character’s wallet...

Like, smellable from ten miles away.

Superhero movie fatigue was always part of the equation. As much as I enjoy everything that comes out, I do miss the singular, contained stories that didn’t have a shoehorned thread between them. The movies that came out post-Endgame tried that, in a way, but their payoffs won’t be seen for some time.

Came here to say this.

Oh, right. That outdated and completely misunderstood two sentence nonsense from the 1700's. Damn it all.

How so?

The people who think Majors is being emasculated are the same morons who think Donald Trump is masculine.

Amazing how this country would still rather have social media companies see repercussions before gun manufacturers.

At what point did I mention anything about boycotting? I OWN THE GAME lol. I actually made a similar comment to yours in another post where I mentioned how the same people boycotting the game were most likely wearing sneakers/clothing made in sweatshops. My comment was specifically directed at others I saw that were

I wonder if the same hate-spewing, comment warriors railing against a trans person expressing thoughts on a game based on the works of an anti-trans creator also have the same energy to go over to The Root and complain to black writers for reporting on issues that affect black people?

Which is, to wit, sort of the opposite...

Good to know. Thanks! I think another big hurdle for me will be adjusting to 3-D. My depth perception has always been horrible and I’ve never been able to actually experience 3-D visuals, so I imagine that’ll take some getting used to. Also, riding my motorcycle should be interesting.

LOL! Nice. Trust me, there’s been plenty of that in here. Just none that have been brought on from gaming.

Do a god damn cleaning stream, you gross human!

Dude looks like he sells loosey’s at a high school. Good for them, though.

Next week I’m meeting with an ophthalmologist and see (wink) if I can finally get a lens replacement. I was born with large cataract in left eye and have only ever had basic peripheral vision on that side. If the procedure can be done, then a vr headset purchase will be happening soon after. Looking forward to

I preface this by saying that I have never once played WoW.

“I’m not a bigot! I just love the original game! Rabble rabble rabble!!!”

Why are you an AI generator apologist?