JaggerTheDog Part Deux

“I’m friends with Andrew Tate, so fuck you.”

I’m not sure the author cared, because, clicks.

The original last version of G4 survived on AOTS and Xplay, with multiple episodes a week. This current version scaled that down - sadly - to one episode of each, which, I gotta say, is a detriment. At least they added some podcast-like discussion/reaction shows, which have been really fun, but they need even more of

Plenty of companies have used the term ‘community’ in their tweets to reference areas and locations, not people. This is a fabricated issue and all it’s done is make a lot more people hungry for chicken sandwiches.

I could go for a cupcake. This past weekend I had birthday cake and wedding cake. Somehow, there were no cupcakes involved to complete the trifecta. A missed opportunity.

It’s been the complete opposite for me. It’s always Trump supporters that start the arguments, but I’m also on Long Island which is a heavily Republican area. They can’t help but assert their cultish views on others that aren’t wearing 45's paraphernalia. I’m not even liberal, but because I never supported or agreed

Well, guess I should actually power my PS5 on for the first time in months...

I agree with everything you stated here and more! Now, if only the obstructionist party in our government would get Big Oil’s dick out of their collective mouths and do their damn jobs properly...

I just... I just don’t know what made this man think he should run for office.

Oh, it’s in my back pocket, my friend. Trust me.

I never got into political arguments with any friends or family until 45 got into office. I’ve also never heard my dad say he loves me, but I’ve heard him say - on more than one occasion - that he loves 45. Politics suck and it’s even worse when it divides families.

NO!!! Oh, man. Every single day when I come to this site, the first thing I do is scan for his name under any of the newest articles; A habit that I won’t be breaking for some time. I’m truly sorry for this loss to his family and anyone that knew/worked with him.

Now if only Facebook and Twitter could be recognized as “bastions of internet hate” and “imminent and emergency threat to human life...”

As sick as I am of seeing coverage of her on this site, I gotta give her props for taking a questionable path of content creation and turn it into savvy business ventures.

She was wearing Dior Sauvass.

Good thing it was a female and not a guy or else she would’ve been arrested for sexual assault.

...we are truly living through the golden age of “ugly-hot”/“awkward-hot” men.

There’s also the issue of COOLING. Pumping that kind of energy through a cable can cause a hell of a lot of heat and cooling the transfer cables is something else that they’re trying to figure out which can also shave some time off of a ‘fill up’.

Oh, no! A man called out Wilde for lying and being shitty?!? Jezebellies, assemble!

The White House just pulled a “This you-?” WITH RECEIPTS! lol