that ain't workin, that's the way you do it. write the spam bots for club AV
keep those toes warm.
Mom was a big fan of Super Dave was she?
Yes; but where's the handshake?
recently read my first elmore leonard novel (the switch). unbeknowst to me then (but knownst now), it is awesome.
It's amazing what people will do for money and an ego stroke
He seems kind of like a Golden Retriever now that you mention it
nobody talks while I have the conch.
oh fast and sloppy; you get me every time.
For some reason I find this….endearing?
well said DM
Garofalo is pretty much awesome in everything.
Fermented honey.
With the complete whining/crying inflection no doubt.
"(far less talented people)…had as many hits and made just as much money than him in the 80's"
Well done Agent Bauer.
odds on favorite.
you must not work in the law industry.
"dolly when it turns out the students didn’t bring one"