
In the late 80s, a high school friend spent a semester in France as an exchange student where his classmates nicknamed "sale Juif" (dirty Jew) after some of the boys saw him naked in the shower. He wasn't actually Jewish but the experience gave him a new perspective on how sophisticated and civilized the French can

Guys love him too. He gives me the weirdest boner and I'm too ashamed to tell any of my friends.

there's nothing inappropriate about that photo - there, fixed that for you

Sadly, I still am. I might need therapy.

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Don't forget the shoes! The shoes!

chubby cheeks, baby cardigans and seersucker shorts, oh my!

Let he who hasn't used an Instagram filter cast the first stone.

I would argue that Kim Novak's biggest hater is herself. Starving her self for the oscars and hating your 81 year old face so much that you inject fat into it screams I hate myself and am willing to do shitty things to myself so that I can "feel" good. If she wanted to "feel" good you'd do things that help you love

Sorry, but this just smacks of another do-nothing busywork-creating regulatory bill that accomplishes little (at best) to nothing (more likely).