
Or you can stick with PC and get better results.  If you can deal with the FOMO

To Do Shitty Things Legally, Start A Business.

This is just the other team being stupid isn’t it?

I can’t think of a person more or less deserving of the honor.

New Kinja same as the Old Kinja

I get this reference?  Or do I?

When Is This Coming To TF2?....

I think they remained Contract or might have actually returned.  I think the artist is also still there.

Why did I see this coming the moment I saw her remastered face?

OF COURSE no mention of Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Since When Is Link Human?

Slideshows are the sign of every dying website.

These aren’t even Funny Bad, Just Sad Bad.  A New Homestar Character.

I don’t play it because there’s better Kart Racers (Yeah I Said It), but are these tracks being added to 8?  Is that why they did it so easily?

Less Than A Week was Months Ago.

I Have No Need For Minimap

Slopes keep on slippin, slippin, slippin

How Round are the Nuts?

Which was exactly what they said, So Who got Syked here?
