61 Jaaaaaag by Matchbox
61 Jaaaaaag by Matchbox
His father was PM in the 70's. Pierre Trudeau.
My Grandfather was a Deadeye as well! He used to go to the reunions every year. I believe they were in Utah or somewhere out west. He passed at 95. Not many left..
My 2002 Subaru Forester still starting and running just like it did when it left Fuji...
My 81 Scirocco S was purchased from an Army Major at Fort Gordon, Georgia when I was stationed there in 1992. Even then they were getting to be a rare sight.
Happy March Torch! Nice find there the March has my preferred early 80's shape and size. Man there were some small cars then....
Walt’s Coney in Waterford Township right on M59. High school lunch! Loved it always a treat and the people running it were great!
Where’s the ashtray? Asking for a smoking friend.../s
I grew up on Crescent Lake Rd in Waterford and went to Waterford Mott for a year!! Small World! BTW my Dad worked at GM Truck & Bus.
I worked as a service advisor for a Jaguar/Aston Martin/Porsche dealer ship in Naples, Florida and the service drive was only separated from the shop by a 5 ft wall. We had no choice but to keep an impeccable shop. People bringing in their six figure cars didn't want to see a grease pit. It was always top of mind and…
Ok I would like you to sit down, take a deep breath and shut the fuck up. Seriously take your Al Gore shit and go blow the endangered species of your choice. Climate change is real and bad but shithead trolls like you are worse. Oh and by the way go fuck yourself.
I was lucky enough to own an ‘81 Scirocco S. Had a lot of good times in that car. Fun to drive a slow car fast! Handled great more than made up for lack of hp..