
Boom Boom Boom?

I was kidding, I'm 31 and I don't want to see my favorite hero acting like a psycho either. If you haven't already you should let your kid watch "Batman The Animated Series" or "Batman The Brave and the Bold" - both are excellent interpretations of Batman

Thomas Wayne was really a retired superhero/undercover agent for the US government who was killed for discovering a plan to unite all the superpowers based on a lie to prevent a full scale nuclear war.

And the guy who everybody knew would be Khan turned out to be…..Khan

What your kid doesn't like a Batman who kills people and brands criminals so they can be targeted & murdered in prison?

We fight for freedom and the little guy!
We’ll tear a new hole in your sky!
When it time to start the war
You’ll hear our mighty engines roar!
We’re an army of super spies
Look out Sphinx, you’re gonna die!
We’ll shatter your skull and make your children cry!
Here we come, look up in the sky!

Good thing their Mom's had the same name or Bruce would have skewered Clark like a kryptonite kebab!

Just because a film made a ton on money it doesnt mean its good - Transformers 4 was the highest grossing movie of 2014 but only has an 18% RT score for example

I think I read somewhere that the AI was originally supposed to be Braniac. That cyborg scene terrified me as a kid to!

But as "The Dark Knight Returns" shows: "There are seven working defenses from this position. Three of them disarm with minimal contact. Three of them kill. The other— [KRAKK] —hurts." which means Batman knows enough techniques that he can incapacitate bad guys without killing/causing permanent injuries

The Enlightenment had its moments to

To paraphrase Deadpool "A dream inside a dream? That's like, sixteen dreams."


I never knew that, though she got redeemed in the animated series (though strangely Tina never appeared or was mentioned in it)

So its Ma Kent version of John Kent's "maybe" from MOS?

Or just watch the animated adaption and avoid a trip to the hospital…

Agreed, for all the love for "'89" & "Returns" it always bugged me how Batman killed people in them, "Forever" was the first time Batman avoided it in the original film series

For over 70 years the DC heroes worked together and avoided the deaths of innocent civilians….before the dark times…. before the Snyder-verse

Or the Justice Lords? Maybe we are really watching a movie based on Earth-3 and they will come to Earth-1 to fight the REAL Justice League!