
I love this film though appreciate it has flaws (the makeover scene etc) but still love it as the trendsetter for the "cliques in high school" films that would follow.

Makeover, Makeover, Makeover, Makeover, Makeover, Makeover, Makeover MAKEOVER!!

I was in the AV club but got kicked out cos of my views on Vietnam…..plus I was stealing film projectors

MOOOOOOM! Ferris is taking his best friend on a life-changing tour of Chicago!

Nostalgia Critic summed it up best:

I wonder if the kid forced to eat the cake grew up to be Fat Neil over at Greendale college?

We're saved! Thanks to our friend sodium chloride! *PUNCH*

Don't be fooled Billy - If a cow ever got a chance he would eat you and everyone you care about!

"You can never have too many slave labourers"
"I think I am going to like it on this boat!"

He know reads a lot of scripts - its cheaper than going to the movies

Lenny, tell Mr Burn's I've gone home to work on the contest!

"The Fighting Temeraire" is one of my favourite pieces and I also see it if I visit the National Gallery.

Truly one of QT's best Feet-ures!


Yes but only for her first appearance - once she comes back in 1999 all that goodwill goes out the window!

I prefer both of them to Lindsey Neagle

Kryten from Red Dwarf season 3. While technically introduced in a Season 2 episode (played by another actor) the addition of the OCD robot to the Dwarfer's crew was a huge leap in the comedy of the show - while some miss the "2001-esque" loneliness feeling of season 1 & 2 his inclusion allowed for more jokes like…

A smashed hot rod, a wrecked police cruiser, a destroyed house! I've had it with your renegade ways, Simpson! And what really fries me is you returned his check!

I could easily watch a whole episode of nothing but flashbacks of Stan's previous crimes

I love Wings for Wheels. The opening speech by Bruce about the record sets the tone perfectly. Listening to all the outtakes & alternate versions makes me wish for a complete album of the Born to Run sessions.