
The Boss's finest album, Backstreets, Jungleland, Thunder Road & Born to Run are my faves of the album

Drink the Flagon! Drink the Flagon!

But lacking a cigarette and glass of orange juice

I feel the exact same about this film, when I saw the trailer it looked like some wacky "normal guy goes to work with a bunch of weirdos and learns about life" - sort of like Community (the trailers with Bill Hader & Kristen Wiig played this up alot)

Good lord, are these DC heroes……. smiling? And happily working together? I thought they all had permanent scowls and only had crossovers to fight each other in the gradn tradition of Grimdark (TM) story telling!

"Here's a good idea - have a POINT. It makes it SO much more interesting for the listener!"

Ah that makes sense, thanks.

I agree Help! never seems to get the same amount of love as some of the other albums but its my favorite Beatles album

Same here, they way he slowly looks down to see the paint on his suit is hilarious to

Hey, it's a thingie! A fiendish thingie!!

Hot damn! He's going to Sea world!

The UK edition of Bowling for Soup's Sorry for Partyin' Album has ""I Gotchoo" and ""I Gotchoo (Other Version)" which changes some lyrics and melody

I havent seen this film in years (i'd forgotten about it until I saw the Nostalgia Critic's review), so can anyone tell me why the king wants Nemo as an heir if he already has a daughter? She doesnt appear bothered about being left out but it seems strange?

Marge: Shes going to smash the angel
Homer (not moving in the slightest): Somebody stop her!

"We'll see you in court!"
"Mr Hutz, we won"

Bill Murray in Luigi's Mansion

My favorite Dylan album followed by Oh Mercy & Blonde on Blonde

Just started watching season 2, Hater is a great villain with some of the best facial reactions of any animated character

And dont forget "The Muppets Celebrate Jim Henson" - a really nice tribute from 1990 about the man and his work!

He did say he was actually British!