


I remember this was released as a "video exclusive" episode on the Too Hot For TV VHS here in the UK because of the content (guns & football riots) a couple of years before it was shown on TV

Shatner: And then, George, you hit them with a karate chop.
Takei: I find that offensive! Just because I'm of Japanese ancestry, you assume I know karate. Have I ever led you to believe that I've studied karate?
Shatner: Well, no. But, you never talk about yourself.
Takei: Maybe if you showed a little interest…

Still better than the Busby cartoon pilot!

So you finally left Derwood?
His name is Homer

Sir, its not necessary or wise to be naked. YOU SOUND LIKE MY TENNIS INSTRUCTOR!

Did anyone else find it odd that Harry Shearer said how much he hated this episode after seeing the script and then did his lines anyway? Did they put a gun to his head or something? At least if he refused they could have used old clips like South Park did with Chef's last episode after Issac Hayes quit

If hes still the newbie what does that make Simon Baz?

Please DC don't give any of the new GL's crappy/uncanny valley CGI masks (that bizarrely change the wearers eye colour)!
Also dont give a hero who punches normal people into brick walls and flies off before calling medical attention to them - I'm sure Hal committed murder in the '09 movie with that scene

Taste of Freedom is great with some great Nixon lines:

The flashback of Homer in 70's NYC is one of the best ever in the show, my personal highlights are: The cop listening intently to Homer only to steal his suitcase, Homers delayed reaction to said theft, the animation of the pimp running after Homer and the great perspective gag of the fire escape ladder

The "why not" and the lack of concern about the 2 gangster planets & the cowboy world perfectly encapsulates Futurama's brand of dark humour

"As the candy hearts poured into the fiery quasar, a wondrous thing happened, why not. They vaporized into a mystical love radiation that spread across the universe, destroying many, many planets, including two gangster planets and a cowboy world. But one planet was exactly the right distance to see the romantic rays

Its like watching Gordon & Chief O'Hara from the Adam West show - "C for Catwoman!"

The Ten Commandments is the movie my family all watch every year at passover - great Cecil B DeMille epicness!

Even though these episodes aren't the best I still love Fry's "I HATE BOTTLES" shirt

Am I only only one who finds Magic Man annoying and hope he gets killed off now hes normal?

I havent watched Arrow so didnt realise what Cpt Boomerang was like in that show, maybe they could kill Digger off and have the Rogues give his tech to his son Owen to carry on the legacy?

This article sums up why I prefer the Flash to Gotham & the general DC Cinematic Universe. Barry is overjoyed that he has powers and immediately starts helping people, he doesn't sit around complaining about "why did I get these powers, my life is ruined" like a certain Kryptonian in a certain Synder directed film. It