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    Or they could just stay on as spies for the new government! I mean, they came this far!

    I've got some bad news for you comrade…1989 is coming around sooner or later.

    Is anyone else kinda rooting for Paige?


    Sorry, OITNB. But this is how you Pornstache.

    Ummm….hate to be that guy…this is old news right?

    I audibly signed when Donal Logue said "If I wanted to hear a RIDDLE I'd open the funny pages." That was about as subtle as a cudgel to the skull.

    Pretty awful pilot. So much of it was just, "Hey look, a young [blank]!!!" As if the audience was going to forget they were watching a show about Gotham.

    House, with a dash of Downton.

    Thats true, but I was wondering just because it might be a diplomatic concern to have an American serving in a high level position in a foreign government. Surprised we haven't heard more out of Kirk's character in this regard.

    I basically agree with your point, but serious question: Has it been confirmed that Bassam is an American citizen? I feel like IRL that would have more implications if that were the case. Not sure if the showrunners have given that any thought.

    Great. Now I am going to have nightmares about being trapped in a room with Dinesh D'Souza and Noam Chomsky where suicide is not an option.

    I was excited to see this since I heard what a "downer" it is and how "hard" it is to watch. I think people are saying that because, at the risk of sounding existential, this is the reality we basically already deal with. Friends, family, loved-ones "vanish" (aka die) all the time, and we really don't know what

    It's really bad and contrived and incredibly hammy but it makes me smile quite a bit. I feel like it's a show that is perfectly crafted for being, "on in the background."

    "Your family is a homicidal, oligarchic, crime dynasty; why are you so upset?!?!"

    The wife was really poorly written.

    Fun history: The term "politically correct" originated to refer to the un-ironic Marxist/Leninist belief that something could either be correct or incorrect with regard to the supposedly "scientific" laws of history.

    They detail it this interview with KRCW.* D&D actually approached both HBO and Martin. They spearheaded the campaign to make it a show. Martin sat down with them at a restaurant for a few hours and they made their pitch, apparently it convinced him. Martin had been approached several times before for movie deals,

    "Meereen" is actually High Valyrian for Iraq.

    Well, I think it's obvious that there is a disparity between things GRRM says and reality (especially when it comes to the pace of his writing). The idea that a show's writer could have "no say" in the show is ludicrous (Yes, he has "no say" except that he wrote the dialogue coming out of the characters mouth). He's