I know they did that for a while but I'm not sure if that's still a thing or not
I know they did that for a while but I'm not sure if that's still a thing or not
There are still soccer players that pretend not to be gay? Har har har
Cant you use grounds in the reusable k cups?
Unfortunately I'll take some bugs and loading at the beginning of the match over the building end game fortnite has. There's really nothing as tense as the ending to a PUBG match.
What? Cross play does not mean you can sign into Xbox live on your switch
That looks really nice. Sony needs to do away with the level joysticks.
Families that can afford it sure. Low income families will still be willing to take the chance for millions
Free for all just means no teams. You can still have free for all where you respawn and get points for kills. Battle Royal means no respawn last man standing. You can have team battle royales like fortnite and pubg do. Some battle Royale modes are free for all but not all.
Why? He seems decent enough. His vape nation videos are a little obnoxious but I find him pretty good overall
Please God just change the building to take time and not be instant. Also you should have to be stationary to build. Building should be pre combat not part of combat. The game would be awesome without that
Why does soccer/football have this unique phenomenon of groups of hooligans for violence? Like in baseball, basketball, and American football you have stupid fans that get into fights but don’t really have groups specifically for going around and causing violence?
TIL Splatoon and ARMS have been around for decades.
Is anyone really going to be against the Twitter mob in this instance?
No PvP, thank God. Destiny was basically ruined because they wanted to balance everything around that. The move from primary, secondary, and heavy to two primaries and a heavy was to fix PvP complaints about snipers and shotguns but now PVE is just plinking away with two pea shooters until you get heavy ammo. At least…
There’s a classic mode
Was there a way to try this in the demo? As far as I could tell you could not
Facts are not racist you degenerate
Seems like getting them removed is the right and easy thing to do here...
I had almost the same record as you estimated 25-15. I only won one tourney but made it to the finals a couple times. Most of my playtime was Saturday night during a shroom trip. This game is fun as hell, especially when you’re evenly matched. So intense
I had almost the same record as you estimated 25-15. I only won one tourney but made it to the finals a couple…
Some wizard of legend for sure, possibly some PUBG and Destiny 2