
Let me introduce you to the 2015 NBA champions and the 2015-16 team with the greatest regular season record in history....

If harden cared as much about making shots as he does convincing the refs of contact some of those would have gone in.

As a bluelivesmatter, alllivesmatter, blacklivesmatter person fuck these guys and any cops that use unnecessary force and the ones that protect them. Strange how a person can think we shouldn’t be killing cops and also think cops shouldn’t use excessive force against people of color or anyone for that matter... It’s

That tweet about going all the way and having men working at home is so dumb it’s kind of funny. I’d like to see them make only females playable to troll these people

No, you can be both

Lol is this what you comment on every article about a non black person?

I hope this runs well on switch

“A key part of the Dark Soulsexperience was battling performance issues.”

But she couldn’t beat any of the top men players so how exactly?

I don’t really understand the rationale. She would lose to basically every pro male. She might be the greatest in her division or whatever you want to call it.

All of this can be summed up into “don’t be a dumbass” .

Wait why can he see players through walls and why are all of the players on the map and radar? I’ve played like 100 rounds of PUBG and do not understand

Their response is to Democrats that are claiming this is some bombshell while they do they exact same things. Sorry splinter readers that hate all rich people are not the target of their message...

You’ve never edited a PDF?

If you get mad at someone for saying men and women are biologically different you’re ignoring science just as much as conservatives that deny climate change. You’re an extremist

Seriously, the dude just says common sense stuff. I guess Samer is part of the group that thinks saying men and women aren’t EXACTLY the same biologically is some giant sin. And they say conservatives ignore science...

God your gifs just make me realize how amazing this looks on PC

Is this satire?

I know lots of people that collect guns because they think they’re cool and fun to shoot at the range. None of them think they’ll ever use them to protect anyone or that there are a bunch of people out to get them. This is a gross over generalization. I’ll probably never own a gun because they’re not my thing but many

I can’t wait for Curry to skyfuck them into the ground