The NBA playoffs have been good this year
The NBA playoffs have been good this year
She said if the waiter/waitress hasn’t updated you at that point. She’s not saying if the food isn’t out by that time
My fucking God this shit hurts my soul. Something needs to change in youth sports and really everything that includes adults in a position of power over children.
Im decent at platformers but by no means amazing. I can’t even think about those crazy Mario maker levels. To me TF was the perfect difficulty. Beating the game should be very doable. If you try to 200% it I’m sure it’d be insanely hard. Some of the hidden levels from getting all the KONG letters are very difficult
dammit, I want a second xbox one for the other room but with God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn I am very tempted to get a ps4
This was actually in the fox news story I was forwarded. Congrats your jokes are fox news level lol
As a person that is strongly against MTX in any form in games that cost money to buy this is one of the few games that does them right. If you never purchase anything you’ll have the exact same experience as people that do
As dumb as this guy sounds, and he sounds really fucking dumb, he’s not wrong about the flopping.
I own a Wii U and a Switch and am very happy owning them. Nintendo + PS/Xbox/PC has always been the way to go. They never get the 3rd party games and if they do they’re downgraded or bad ports so you should have another system or PC for that . I’m glad Nintendo actually does things differently and doesn’t go for the…
Yea they really need to change the building. It should take time to build and you shouldn’t be able to build while moving. Building should be preparation for battle not part of battle. That’s just stupid to me.
At this point doing the balloon mode gets coins about as fast if you get a streak going on the double coin world
Yes, if someone spends thousands or even really hundreds of dollars on the f2p mobile games I do not consider them normal because they clearly have a mental issue. Same as a slot machine addiction
Why would it be a bad thing? This model of gaming is a fucking joke. Maybe leave these “free” versions for fools that like to spend thousands of dollars and just give other normal people a full game for 10-20 dollars?
No, I understand that Tide pods are not food just like I understand the US is an objectively better place to live than 80% of other countries. You can argue for some Western European countries and a couple others here and there but the rest aren’t even up for debate.
The black ranger was black and the yellow ranger was an Asian girl....
“2018 games including super smash”
Mine still says will be charged 99 on July 26th. Shouldn’t they update that if they’ve already announced the hike?
Mine still says will be charged 99 on July 26th. Shouldn’t they update that if they’ve already announced the hike?
Have you ever considered moving to Syria, Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or some other country? You and this country may be better off
Do we want juwanna Mann? With no rules we get juwanna mann. Actually with no rules female sports just stop existing and they can (try?) To compete with men.