Thats SimmotheSavage to you
Thats SimmotheSavage to you
It wasn’t chanted....
They were not
Regardless if it was right or not is singing along to a song the same thing as “chanting the N word”? Can we all agree the original headline was super click baity?
Why don’t these losers just play the PC version?
Chanting the N word and singing along to a song are 2 very different things.
Road bicyclists are the worst. Go on a trail or a road with a bike lane. They have asphalt trails, I fail to see how those can’t be used to training.
You’re going to get a lot of victim blaming posts here but as a motorist fuck road bicyclists. Go ride on a trail or find a road with one of those bike lanes
I stopped playing but I might check out these changes and I’ll definitely at least complete the campaign for dlc2 since I paid for it. It’s probably too little too late but we’ll see.
These all seem good but I have a couple questions. How did this take so long? 2. Who the hell play tested the game and thought the long ass super charge time and having two primaries was good? It makes sense for PvP since people always cried about shotguns and snipers but PVE is the meat of destiny and they shouldn’t…
Why did they have to sub at all? Is there a rule stating they must sub? They certainly can’t be tired at that point after 1 minute
My biggest gripe with fortnite is how you can build walls that instantly appear and while running. Building should take time and require you to stand still. You should not be able to get shot and instantly put a wall up. Building should be preparation for gun fights, not part of them.
Doing that already has huge consequences in your personal life and career. I do not think it should be an offense punishable by the government. The issue with policing speech always comes down to who is policing it.
Exactly, this is the big issue with “avoidable” microtransactions unless they’re completely cosmetic. Their existence will cause developers to make things harder to get through normal gameplay to influence you to spend more.
So what was up with the condom? We’re people banging or did someone just rub one out into condom? Additionally, why was it placed on the floor instead of the garbage? Was it to brag about just having intercourse?
The coach that he says told him denies it too so maybe he just got mixed up
They need to go back down to 6 so we can all be blessed with LeBron vs Embiid and Simmons round 1
Haha look up the video of Trump slapping Vince McMahon. This is a video that exists. Then some body guard fights Vince for Trump. Hilarious this guy is now our president. :(
Yes free speech is a bad thing... You would fit right in with the Nazis and many other great groups through history
I think most people just use party chat nowadays so it isn’t an issue. Maybe that’s just me though