
Sounds like you should play offline games

Not even a dunk he didn’t touch the rim. This actually might be more impressive though. I love these reactions

That’s exactly how DCs work on xbox

I play on the day one X1 without issue...

He’s racist. Imagine his response if someone said the samething but about two black people.

You’ve been fined 100k for talking about tanking.

Do these people just not think about how their actions to get back at this server impacted thousands of other people? Do they not care? What is wrong with these people?

If you asked 1000 random people on the street if they know McEnroe and if they know this other person what do you think the results would be?

And non tennis fans have heard of McEnroe and know him by name. Noone that doesn’t follow tennis knows Navratilova. Pretty simple.

Alternatively the NCAA streaming subreddit has lots of free links

Alternatively the NCAA streaming subreddit has lots of free links

A guy can’t even do a little cocaine without being extorted nowadays.

Are you looking for debate or validation?

Always funny when people are Lakers, Yankees, and Pats fans.

Policy should never be based on emotions and that’s my main issue with his monologues. They’re clearly designed to tug at your heart strings. Emotions are best left out of economic and social policy making

The taxes part is definitely the best.

Isn’t telling that to a gay guy like telling a straight guy they’d like to eat pussy? That wouldn’t be offensive

I’m pretty sure anyone that films themselves playing games could be considered cringey in some way but they’re making money off playing games so more power to them

His job, just like Bayless, is to make the outrageous/unpopular claims and get people riled up. Unfortunately, the existence of this article proves he is doing his job.

They sell more consoles... You don’t understand economics or business tactics, do you?

Stop giving your money to this corporation with questionable morals and instead give it to these other giant corporations with the same issues? Google, Walmart, Microsoft, and Target.