
Honestly i never knew he was black till he started talking about it and doing an afro. He looks like a Pacific islander. That and growing up with Rich white parents made his claims of past discrimination dubious to me

If a cop feels threatened he is allowed to use lethal force. I actually dislike most cops so your bootlicker insult is hilarious. People that side with people that seriously injure their girlfriend and attack paramedics don’t seem like good people to me. Also the videos of BLM chanting about roasting pigs make them

I guess you didn’t see the Berkeley stuff with antifa smashing a guys head on the ground with a sign. “Property damage” . You don’t seem to be educated on current events very well. Even most Democrats denounce antifa’s tactics. For this particular rally I wouldn’t care if all the neo Nazis/KKK were arrested but stuff

You used the strawman first about mouthing off being a capital crime. The guy was shot because he attacked his girlfriend and then attacked the paramedics and officers that came. Officers are allowed to shoot people in defense. Mouthing off shouldn’t get you shot but attacking cops surely should. Your precious BLM

Neo Nazis and white supremacists are full of hate so by condemning hate and violence he was condemning them. The only way you could think he didn’t condemn them is if you think they don’t fit into the category of hate group...

That’s great. White supremacists suck. Not even 2% of the people at those protests are actually part of antifa. You’re an idiot.

You support someone beating their GF so bad they need a paramedic. You must be a joy

Let’s not forget BLM protested the shooting of a guy that beat up his girlfriend and then the paramedics that came to help. Stand up people.

So he condemned them then? Antifa should also be condemned

BLM shot cops in Dallas. The shooter was a follower of BLM. Both sides are fucking idiots. The baseball shooter was a Liberal extremist just like these neo Nazis are extremists.

Lol the neo Nazis are saying the same false flag shit about the car. Like I said both sides are fucking idiots. I guess you missed the whole Dallas thing.

Umm baseball shooting, BLM shooting a bunch of Texas cops. Yea only one side. You’re the fucking liar.

How quickly you forget the baseball shooting and the BLM shooting of a bunch of Texas cops. Both “sides” are fucking idiots

Your other comment just makes you seem like a high schooler that just learned about”speak softly and carry a big stick” .it’s quite clear you know little about foreign politics. What’s the approach you suggest? Allowing them to further develop nuclear weapons so when the conflict does happen there are even more

You think the North Korea issue started in the last year? As terrible as Trump may be that makes you even dumber than him

Were you born yesterday?

Good for the umbrella guy too. Honestly Imo it taking the steelhead out immediately is worth it. Those guys can suck.

It’s from 7 pm to 7 pm or 1 am to 1am . If you literally can’t play in any of the 24 hours you can never played any game

Uhh the charger makes steel head and some other bosses a cake walk. I don’t like it in turf war but if the players know how to use it it’s amazing for bosses. I hate when the person with it doesn’t shoot the steel head bomb

They’re all pretty much 24 hours now and I think I saw some coming up even longer. If people are still complaining about that they’re just looking to complain. The original times sucked for sure but at 24 hours everyone can catch an hour or two at least