
The salmon run periods have all been 24 hours lately. If you have any gaming time you can play salmon run.

Lol , stats are considered hot takes in your world? Not only is kaep not that great of a starting QB, we also have no idea what he’s asking for. You think this guy is making 1/20th of what kaep wants? No, he’s a third stringer.

Once again this means nothing without knowing how much kaep and his agent are asking for. This guy is probably getting paid 1/50th or less...

I know this is just a witty joke but Cleveland would have had to trade Kyrie, Love, or TT to make it work with contracts. No one is taking that TT contract so that leaves Kyrie and Love

Good, it’s a terrorist organization

This is what BLM stands for. You support terrorists

BLM is a terrorist group. You support terrorists.

so Pop is the one under bank fraud investigation by the FBI in this scenario then?

The only way that happens is a rigged fight. Which would be a ton of money for a lot of people and a rematch so it is far from impossible.

the real question on whether this fight will be real or rigged. I feel like it’s a 50/50 at this point.

Isn’t his take rumored at $100 mil? probably like 50 after dana takes his cut

That’s what I am worried about and there is a decent chance this fight is fixed too. Then all these idiots will be like see we told you Conor had a chance. Zero fucking chance he wins if this fight is legit. ZERO. All time great boxers have a hard time landing on Floyd for God’s sake.

you might have the dumbest comment on here so congrats I guess. brittle hands? wtf. McGregor probably won’t land any strong flush shots to the face. Professional boxers have a hard time doing it against Floyd and you think Conor is going to come out and do it?

lol most of Mayweather’s early wins were by knockout. Jesus, you couldn’t have googled before you made this dumbass comment?

isn’t Mayweather’s take reported to be $200M? So it would be why make 200m when you can make $400 m

well boxing is one skillset that mma fighters learn. A boxer would never even touch wrestling/submissions/kicks so it doesn’t make sense. Let’s not feel bad for Conor, he is making 100m or 50 even after Dana takes his

I don’t really think that has anything to do with it. Why would an MMA fighter have to win in a boxing match to be legitimate? Mayweather would get killed in the octagon does that mean he isn’t legitimate somehow?

just stream it bro

haha this would be my preferred outcome to this joke of a fight

Have you been playing the game not knowing you can’t out any skill in any slot? You can do so many different builds now :)