
the question is about megastuf which is more than doublestuf. I find doublestuf to be perfect and megastuf looks like too much but I haven’t tried it. The original might as well just be two chocolate wafers. There is like zero cream in that

I’ll tell you the biggest difference is what type of kart you choose and that is mostly up to playstyle and preference. The stats matter but you can make anything work. If I can pick the kart you can pick my character, wheels, and glider and I’ll easily win any 150cc grand prix. I have a set-up I like that may not be

WW was fantastic on Wii u. That’s one reason I’m looking forward to this one

That is how Yoshi games are. Woolly world for example: the levels could be “completed” extremely fast if you run through. Getting the collectables is the meat of the game

White scum. Talcum X

Of course talcum x would post something without evidence. Why did he turn down the opportunity to have 25k donated to Kaepernick’s charity?

You’re not alone. Curry has better jersey sales than Lebron. The finals ratings were the highest ever. All of these posts are just a bunch of cry baby Lebron fans or mad their team probably doesn’t have a chance (They probably didn’t before KD joined the Warriors) I’m a Bulls fan and it’s not like even if we were the

I honestly don’t understand why he even cares about his NBA salary at this point. I’m sure his income from Nike and all of his other investments/endorsements dwarfs it considerably ( I mean what does he all have? (Nike, Sprite, Kia, Blaze etc )

In most games Lebron is jawing with the refs almost every play too. Some of these players that complain a lot must just have an actual decent relationship with the refs.

No one got upset at the people that just held their fist up. His pig socks also didn’t help his cause.

if he wasn’t demanding a lot of money tons of teams would be lining up for him as a backup regardless of his political stances.

* I’m with Talcum X

I honestly didn’t even know he was black until the media told me. Doesn’t look black (until he did the afro and braids to look black) and he’s only half. Raised by two white parents.

Do we know what him/his agent are demanding money wise? That seems like a pretty huge detail to leave out of this discussion. It may very well be less or just slightly more than these other backups (making him a steal with his skill) or it could be some astronomical amount that paired with mediocre skills and the

Blueberries and Strawberries are 1 and 2 and whatever is 3rd isn’t even close.

I don’t notice any rubber banding. Of course players in worse positions get better items but up through 150 you can easily get a quarter of a lap lead. The only thing remotely challenging in single player is 200cc and that’s only because the tracks weren’t designed for it and you need to actually brake

So far in the finals they have been letting them play which has been very refreshing. I expect game 3 or 4 to be similar to game 6 last year with the refs giving it to Cleveland.

Korver has been somehow missing wide open 3s

nah. Last year’s warriors might be in trouble if all their 3 point shooters are off but this year they have a safety plug. Durant can create offense for himself anywhere on the floor. did you see the points in the paint comparisons in game 1? Between getting to the rim and his smooth mid range jumper ( that no one on

Game 6 last year was such an obvious “officials please get us game 7- Adam Silver” type of game. If people can’t see that they probably think that Lakers-Kings series was on the up and up too. The Cavs played great in game 7 but that game should have never happened.