Jae watches the world turn day-glo

Yes!! Do you know the Santana Blues Band was invited to play Woodstock before they were even signed to a record label??  Crazy 

Yes!  I need answers as to how Chic I not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  

I feel like Nile Rodgers has some stories to tell.

I was fortunate that I could quit without needing to be concerned with starving, or homelessness, or supporting kids. It wasn’t easy, but not having those concerns made leaving possible.

It’s just extra bullshit that some guy who apparently lead his life trying to do the right thing, and was a new dad, got killed by this little shit stain, who probably contributed nothing but expense to others. 

Oh yeah. valencia and 20th in that new building that went up a few years ago.

Yeah but thank god he didn’t have a union holding him back.  This is a great article to anyone who thinks a company, or its leaders, care about you.

They want to see black folks killed, they call the cops hoping they carry out a legal lynching. They know that a lot of cops are trigger happy, scared, and jumpy; that even legally complying can be misconstrued as going for a weapon even if the black person is doing the slow and open. They want to see someone executed

Racism kills: MLK said it best:

Drunk racists with guns.”

We all know had the races been reversed and it was a black man who “defended” himself by shooting a white man defending his family, that white man would be called a hero and that brother would be up under the jail and Lawyer-Sheriff Bob would be telling us all how he had no choice but to lock that brother up.

Meghan sucks so bad on many levels. But in this instance, how you gonna apologize to the person who was berating your coworkers? Have an ounce of decency and loyalty, ho. Damn.

I’m not giving that show up. It’s a great show and my family loves it. Also he has not been officially accused of anything. Media trolls like TMZ pay cops, especially in LA or NY, to share police reports and stuff w them about celebrities. A police report AFTER THE FACT really does not mean anything. He’s right. But

Not to mention people calling her kids and her mother everything but a child of God.

What upsets me, is that they haven’t done the same to Meghan. She needs to go! First, for having parents who put an unnecessary “h” in her name. Second, for being a right-wing apologist on MWF and so-called progressive-traditional conservative (WTH is that?!) on TuTh. The Pirro’s of the world are NOT the problem.

This is probably the single best use of any celebrity’s time and platform. Cudos to Chris Paul and Janelle Monae for lending their voices but it’s shocking how infrequently we hear athletes and entertainers talking about voting, let alone being specific about when, where, and why. These stars have the ability to bring

I’m really mad that they were told not to put their life jackets on. I know common sense should rule but when you have someone who you assume knows what they’re doing, 9 times out of 10, you’re going to take their word and trust them.

Great Thanks NYC we now know what this asshole will be tweeting about for fucking days. As for the victim why is she mad at five who were foudn not guilty through DNA evidence. So she wants to pour over documents to find out what happened? It is amazing how people of color are told to get over whatever atrocities have

lol, so now their just being shitty to anyone with an Arabic name. This is ridiculous.

At work yesterday, a co-worker was telling me a story about a former roommate of his, and used these terms as a descriptor/punchline: Black Republican Juggalo.