Jae watches the world turn day-glo

I know what I am about to write may seem strange but it is in response to Jada and Gabrielle talking about codependency. For years I went to Coda (Co-Dependents Anonymous) trying to suss my issues. It wasn’t until I allowed myself to admit how much anguish, grief and palatable fear I have lived with most my life that

I cannot help but wonder if Wanda Sykes is going to continue working for that bag of trash.

You wrote the truth!

Another judge through his actions declare our lives worthless.

I think the rights to the image would come from the photographer not the family.

With this Kanye has earned his platinum white privilege card. Can he get any more disgusting?

Boycotting H&M, Starbucks, Ottomanelli and other businesses is easy for me. The tough one is Walmart. Dear goodness when I do my online comparison shopping Walmart usually has the cheapest prices! So tempting but I replay what Walmart does to have such low prices then I bypass.

I appreciate you have a different viewpoint. For me I look at the royal family and I see a symbol of tryanney/oppression. I realize that they do not create govt. policy but don’t tell me that can’t have a heart to heart with the P.M. For heaven’s sake what of the Windrush generation? Is it really fair that when the UK

I am right there with you. As a Black woman, mind you a Jamaican American, I too wish the couple well but wth? Slavery, colonialism, the ongoing oppression.

How Fantastic! Thank you for sharing that. It has brightened my day. Good Vibes!

The quotation is frightening and insightful. Thank you for turning me on to Indivisibles. I’ve only read Morrison’s Happy! and was about to start his 18 days. I’ll see if Comixology has it.

True, true. I stand corrected. Thanks cuz.

Our kids are not allowed to have childhoods. No laughter, no horseplay, no joy. None. Welcome to Continuous Traumatic Stress!

In a sense you are correct. It will ultimately benefit Kerry James Marshall because it will increase the monetary value of his work making his paintings and prints more expensive. Last year the Met Museum had an incredible survey of his work and for it Kerry James created a signed limited edition print but they are

Whoa! Just watched the video.

I get ya. I need a happy place or a bit of shut the world out. I am a heartbeat away from rocking back and forth in a corner while sucking my thumb.

Let me get this straight. It looks and sounds as if he is advocating the kidnapping of people. How is this legal? We all know some good old Amerikkkan hicksters will take it as a call to once again walk into a bar, restaurant, church, school and kill people. The Beckys of course have 911 and will just get the police

Oh yes, Guiliani and Schlossberg what a pair!

What an extraordinary woman! Big Up to Dr. Lezli, her example of the power of us, truly caring about the community and creating a loving partnership with her hubby and 5 beautiful girls. She is an inspiration. Might I add she too is Jamaican-American so she’s probably my cousin. The island is not that big. I’ll ask my

The truly f’ed up thing is that Schlossberg most certainly has heard the first hand accounts of what occurred in WW 2, the expulsions, the camps, the murders. YET he is so willing to be on the side of those that commit unspeakable atrocities. He needs a reality check.