
People who are exceptional at one thing frequently assume that they must be exceptional at every thing. To make matters worse, we have a society that does everything in its power to back up this delusion. Then, to make matters EVEN worse, we live in a capitalistic hellhole where people don’t even need to ACTUALLY be

This is the company that copyright strikes your YouTube videos if you show a clip from a promo trailer, is actively shutting down Smash Bros. tournaments, and issues cease and desist orders to fan games. They are so out of touch, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have no idea anything’s changed over at Twitter since

There is a lot of material out there about how the Melee scene in particular has gone out of their way to meet Nintendo more than half way multiple times and been burned every single time. If you are interested in looking into it, you may find it a bit eye-opening how badly they’ve been snubbed by Nintendo. There is

I don’t think that many melee players don’t realize they are a small part of the casual smash community. That’s what it means to be a competitor. And despite what you say ‘bad’ competitive press, Nintendo obviously hasn’t had any issues selling the franchise to a casual audience. Everyone knows what smash is and that


that as a dumb comment..

Yeah, the Nazis were pretty famous for their love of free speech and for never doing anything bad to books.

Now do guns

That’s easy to say until you realize Nintendo is the only publisher doing it. It’s sad to see the passion be squashed by Nintendo when it is embraced by so many other companies when they could just leave well enough alone. After all, the truth is that Melee still sells hardware and gets people into the franchise.

Normally this is the point where I step into the comments to point out that folks don’t understand how IP protection works and that the freakout over Nintendo’s actions is misplaced, while pointing out Nintendo then needs to step up themselves to fill the void, but....

Any form of competition has to have rules, and when the genre is a fighting game, the rules are generally going to weed out randomness to provide a field of play that allows players to compete in a relatively stable environment. Arguing that ‘just because’ the game designers decided that there should be 20 stages

Regardless of if your stance is correct or not, doesn’t make the OP any less of a jerk.

Tbf only losers hobby shame.

The scene should continue playing smash in tournaments and take the thing to court. And if a judge is stupid enough (or paid enough) to rule in Nintendo’s favor, it should be appealed. And if our legal system is corrupt enough to supremely rule in Nintendo’s favor, the scene should continue playing smash through

My first character was a Gith warlock and I never regretted that choice even for a second.

Tune in today to see Linda Codega get mansplained about reviewing. ‘Take that, columnist who already clarified her point a dozen times!”

alright, because i’m annoyed and this is the third comment i apologize i’m not picking on you but like:

But enough about Diablo 4.

Honestly at this point I think the game might just be dead. They are just throwing things at the wall trying to fix problems they themselves keep creating. 

sometimes just messaging their rep in the company works