Late stage capitalism is destroying our world, and one of the greatest obstacles to moving on to something better is people citing Soviet Russia or Venezuela as exemplars of the alternative.
Late stage capitalism is destroying our world, and one of the greatest obstacles to moving on to something better is people citing Soviet Russia or Venezuela as exemplars of the alternative.
You say that like America doesn’t have the same things today. We call it “prison labor” so we can sleep at night, but it’s still a gulag. Not to mention the slave wages paid to undocumented workers in meat packing factories.
He’s a hacker he isn’t a danger.
I'm in the U.K. This still has the unpleasant whiff of money about it.
That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option?
Gotta get that fucking next ad in.
Yeah, they’re on the covers, but it creates mystery. After Fallout 1, everyone knew whose Power armor that was, and After 2 the same was true for the Enclave. The west coast Fallout covers never repeated same same image.
Contrast that with the other covers, every one is a shot of T-51 power armor from a different…
As a very old and crotchety fan, all my enthusiasm for the show drained away once I saw the Brotherhood of Steel front and center in the trailer. Once I saw that, it reminded me that the brand’s Bethesda poisoning had become terminal a long time ago, and that the cool image of power armor is what the series is about…
They made Fallout woke and political!
I mean he’s an irradiated ghoul so he probably smells pretty bad.
Invincible, Peripheral, Daisy Jones and The Six, A Discovery of Witches... Amazon Prime’s adaptations are far more hit than miss.
I think the difference in feeling is that nobody is buying Netflix for the games they’re just a perk in a way those other servers the games are the primary draw.
How great is it that every single person commenting about how this is the consumer’s fault knows that video games are designed specifically to be addictive so you will spend more time and money on them.
And ultimately this goes back to personal responsibility, which is at the heart of any addiction.
at least three of the games mentioned are meant for an age group above that of the child. So you can cross those off the list of “marketed to children”.
The role locking was the thing that baffled me the most. They basically forced the meta to be one way so that crazy plays weren’t common anymore.
People who are exceptional at one thing frequently assume that they must be exceptional at every thing. To make matters worse, we have a society that does everything in its power to back up this delusion. Then, to make matters EVEN worse, we live in a capitalistic hellhole where people don’t even need to ACTUALLY be…
This is the company that copyright strikes your YouTube videos if you show a clip from a promo trailer, is actively shutting down Smash Bros. tournaments, and issues cease and desist orders to fan games. They are so out of touch, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have no idea anything’s changed over at Twitter since…
Regardless of if your stance is correct or not, doesn’t make the OP any less of a jerk.