I think what the person is getting at that, compared to the Arham games, these are going to be full of a bunch of repetative gameplay that is grindy by design because of the battlepass.
I think what the person is getting at that, compared to the Arham games, these are going to be full of a bunch of repetative gameplay that is grindy by design because of the battlepass.
That isn’t even the worst part about battlepasses and live service gaming!
I just wanted a new Arkham game where I could be a silly Aussie
Yeah, this is more or less a permanent jail sentence, just at a nursing home. He’ll die there.
My only real question was whether his mental decline is something he was born with or if its from that STD that makes your brain break
He’s required by both the law itself and the bar association to provide a zealous defense for his clients in and out of the courtroom.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer company
DNC isn’t slang for the party, friend, but for the national committee. They're the ones in charge of the president. The DSCC and DCCC do the Senate and House respectively
As it stands, even if you were right, they don't have the votes
Check out Meeseeks and Destroy maybe? It’s a good stand alone episode from the first season. Or the episode where a dog gets human intelligence.
Christ what an asshole
RIP Overwatch
Its a monopoly when you have control, not when you exercise the control, per se
Hey, dipshit, you had an entire argument with someone because he didn’t describe US politics using the global political scale of left to right instead of the US scale of left to right
I hope they keep making Hades game until the heat death of the universe
Yeah, I loved playing as Hades in Hades, shame
Same, I also misinterpreted because I thought of an alternative meeting for some of it.
Unless by pressing charges you mean filing a civil lawsuit claiming this stunt negatively impacted their business in quantifiable ways or whatever