J Squiggles

Alvin Draft-Matic, best $10 I ever spent. Been using it for years. Pair it with a Staedtler Mars eraser for best results.

Vote: Xbox 360 Controller

Why: I know there's a big debate over Xbox vs PS controllers, but the Xbox controller has always been my favorite. Its curves fit perfectly into my hands, its buttons depress very far and have a satisfying "click" to them, and it's control sticks are very comfortable. Some people have

Stop refering to the 5C as the "budget" phone, and stop listing contract prices and give us the low down.

Yawn. This is ridiculous. There are a couple services that you can get really vested in - Gmail, Calendar, maybe Reader (though that was pretty easy to switch out of) - but most services are being used transiently.

I don't really know where else to comment or provide feedback, but somebody seriously screwed the pooch on this new layout. I mean I get what you were doing before, universalizing the experience across devices. This new whatever it is, I thought maybe I'd had a problem with the CSS file or something else failed to

Honestly, I'd put some mesh in the concrete when pouring the concrete. It may not really be necessary, but a few dollars of mesh could mean NOT having computer (or other) equipment hit the ground. Particularly in earthquake-prone areas.

Next up: Attach anything to your mac with a nailgun.

I think the problem is flying has become such a pain in the a that it is no longer a classy affair. Airlines can treat people like crap and get away with it, so people don't treat it as a special event. You wouldn't go to a restaurant in sweatpants, but would you go back to that restaurant if you were seated, then

I was pretty disappointed to read that you simply swapped one for the other. I question if you really went "without". Next month "going without"...don't insert something into the void. Just fully go without.

You know, I work with a lot of engineers, one thing I find is that engineers NEED to fidget if they're not focusing on something technical. Whether it's with a pen, or a piece of plastic, it's this urge to do something with your hands. I'm an engineer myself and I've caught myself doing it.

Sanity is boring :)

the best bet is to water very early morning (around 4am or so). This way you don't have water sitting on the grass too long which can promote some diseases, but the water won't evaporate too quickly either because the sun is not up. The thinking is that there will be ample time for the water to soak in before the sun

*Facepalm* it's part of a series...

Top five best electric toothbrushes.

So everyone who drinks beer is addicted to it?

Extremely displeased with my first one. Range was horrible and sound quality left much to be desired.

Might as well. Half the corncobs on my news feed use them anyway...