J Squiggles

Off-topic: I disagree that workouts are not designed to be fun. I like and enjoy my workouts (cycling). Life is too short to waste dealing with a workout that you don't enjoy or hate doing all the time. There are so many options out there besides the traditional 'gym' workout. No amount of music or other types of

Great article Alan! I use the Mac version of the Das Keyboard Model S Professional with Cherry MX Blue switches. The best part about it is the tactile response/feedback. The noise issue isn't a factor for me since I live in a one bedroom apartment without any roommates, not that a roommate would lead me to switch.

My mom always used lighter fluid and sometimes nail polish remover and so now I have picked up those methods.

The first thing I thought of when I opened this post was "That is the surface of the Death Star."

I know this isn't an option for everyone but I close my door.

It appears a similar article was discussed a few days ago on Lifehacker. The link to the article mentioned in the earlier post is dead though.

I don't watch NASCAR specifically but there are some things that I have just gotten used to not watching anymore. If I really need to see something I'll go to a friend's house, which is rare. There is also the sports bar option as others have mentioned.

No problem. I shouldn't have replied with my rude comment. I hate Mondays.

With regard to sports that are only on cable tv and not available over the air, that is where it comes in handy to have friends that still subscribe to cable tv :)

My snarky comment was in reply to AceMagase's snarky comment.

When did Hulu, Amazon Prime, iTunes, Netflix, and all of the other sites that allow one to stream or download shows/movies become illegal? You assume because I said "download" that I download illegal copies. Thanks for assuming rather than asking!

I ditched cable a long time ago and just use an antenna to pick up the HD channels. That is enough TV for me. If I want more specific shows offered on cable channels I will find a place to stream it or download it from. To me, in the end, it is just TV. There are more fulfilling things to waste my money on.

You fix it by taking another pen from work :)

Ars Technica did a brief review of this last week. It does have some issues with properly displaying all of the formatting in the original document but works if you need it in a pinch.

How about a perspective from a different culture, either modern day such as the Dalai Lama, or from more ancient times such as Siddhārtha Gautama?

Insulating. I hated insulating, especially fiberglass wall insulation. I was itching and scratching nonstop those days.

You can always access your passwords in LastPass using their website even if you don't have the extension installed. It's not as convenient since you won't have the auto-filling features but you still have access to them on any computer with an internet connection.

Somebody or something needs to pay to keep the site running. I would rather have these posts instead of paid memberships or pay walls like some other sites have.

This is nicely done and solves the knees-hitting-the-wall problem with a lot of the narrow-depth, wall-mounted desks. I like it.

No. I see very little gain from it besides inflated, deflated, frustrated, and vindictive egos. If you feel you deserve a raise approach your boss with supporting evidence that you actually deserve one. Otherwise leave the company and get a raise that. Not everything in life is fair and peachy.